First hatch, would like some hand-holding, please. NOT an emergency!

Thank you! I am inordinately pleased, which means I need to be taken down a couple of pegs.

I have already spotted one of the larger, earlier ones picking on the runts- might have to do some separating tomorrow. Dang it!
Ranch! You have me so excited as my 21st day starts at 3pm tomorrow afternoon! This is my first hatch as well. It's a mixed bunch of my own eggs. The 2 roos are a black langshan and a buff rock. The hens are mostly buff rock, 1 langshan, and 3 black "somethings"......I bought them grown and still don't know what they are.
I started with 18 eggs and pitched one at day 7 that didn't look "right". It was viable and I felt sooooooooooo bad.
I won't do that again for sure! I also pitched one at day 14 that had died. It had a blood ring.

Your babies are so adorable!!
Your hatch rate if great! I hope you're able to catch some sleep now. BTW.........catch a few zzz's for me? I have an upper respitory thing goin' on and can't sleep anyway. So, I'm chick watching waaaay too much!

I can't wait to see your next hatch!

That's a cheapo version of the Rubbermaid shelf liner- I found it at the Family Dollar store. It's not so much for cleanliness as it is for giving the babies a good grip for their feet. I didn't cover all the wire, just about 80% of it, so the air could still circulate.

Yeah I could see that. I usually just use paper towels but I might look for something else. Thanks. Hatching on Sunday, I hope.
Sunshine Chick, I have rollover hatching vibes. I an sending them to you and hope you feel better by the hatching time this afternoon. What part of TX are you in, I spent most of my life in Austin.

Chickapooh23, more hatching rollovers headed your way, too! I got the cheapo rubber liner, so I can pitch it and use new each time. I did let it hang to air out for several days, to get the manufacturing chemical odor out of it.

Here are some baby pics- I have NO idea what I'm growing here- most have multicolor feet, which is pretty weird looking!



GOOD LUCK TO ALL YOU HATCHERS OUT THERE! (I am now officially addicted.....
Mamas are BR's- Dad is a mutt EE, very handsome dude-



The RIR is not a Mama.

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