First Hatch


In the Brooder
Aug 29, 2015
Okay, I have my first hatch in the incubator. Day 21 was monday 12/28/15, last night I had 1 do it's external pip, and I can hear it chirping. The other 4 have not really progressed. I have candled them all before lockdown and all had good air sacs. During the first 17 days I kept the humidity at 40% and temp at 99.5 F. at lockdown I upped the humidity to 70%.

My main question is since I have the one that has pipped, is it still okay to candle them now, or should I just wait and see if they progress more. I wasnt going to do anything til tonight anyway, since that would be 24 hours since the pip.

Thanks in advance for any help and suggestions.
Anyone able to help me?

Sorry you have not had a reply. Alas I have no experience with hatching with incubators so I'm sorry that I cannot offer any advice. I'm sure that someone will be along soon to help you out. You are not being ignored I assure you, just need the right people online.

Good luck
I wouldn't candle them now, don't open the incubator unless it is absolutely necessary, you loose humidity and the membrane gets tough, then it becomes more difficult for the chicks to hatch.
An update on Pip, "he" has started zipping, however the membrane is white, and he seems to be having a hard time breaking the shell. Should I help him or let him keep trying. the humidity is staying at a steady 70%.
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I have been studying that article in depth. So far I have helped him with his zip line, waiting to see if he can push out on his own. Still kinda nervous about opening the "cap"

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