First hatchlings! Please help with my questions!!!

ooohh, motherbear...what pretty eggs you have in your avatar!

Awww thanks SunnyChic. Made my night.
I would love to post some pictures ... if I could get any! They still just peak out for a second, the pop back under Mama. I'll keep trying. For now, I can only tell you that they (OF COURSE) are cute, cute, cute!!!
(mix of a Buff Orpington hen and Silver-Laced Wyandotte roo - I have no idea what they'll grow up to look like)

I managed to catch Broody with two of her (?) peeps out from under her wing - not a flattering shot of this pretty Mama, but the best of the babies so far. I'm wondering now if other hens may have snuck eggs in. Our rooster is a Silver-Laced Wyandotte, and our other hens include Silver- and Golden-Laced Wyandottes, Speckled Sussex, and Plymouth Barred Rock.

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