First hawk attack

I am so happy to see she is doing so much better! Chickens are resilient little angels.

I’m not an expert at all, but I always read that you have to wait until any visible wounds are healed before putting her back with the flock. Or else there is the risk of them killing her or hurting her more.

Maybe you can have her sisters come in to where she is but keep her separate? I’ll also let the experts weigh in!

So glad she is doing much better! :love
Update on little mama: she's still alive and seems to be doing well The exception of a possible brain injury. She's very aloof now and doesn't stick with her flock all the time. She wanders off into open spaces on her own. She'd never done this previous to the attack. Her flock is still kind to her. I let her free-range yesterday all day with her flock and she ended up by herself all the way at the other end of our road thank God my neighbors are vigilant and love them as much as me. The neighbor called me and asked if she could pick her up and bring her home. This neighbor is a different person that the one who originally took care of her on the day of the attack. It takes a village.
Update on little mama: she's still alive and seems to be doing well The exception of a possible brain injury. She's very aloof now and doesn't stick with her flock all the time. She wanders off into open spaces on her own. She'd never done this previous to the attack. Her flock is still kind to her. I let her free-range yesterday all day with her flock and she ended up by herself all the way at the other end of our road thank God my neighbors are vigilant and love them as much as me. The neighbor called me and asked if she could pick her up and bring her home. This neighbor is a different person that the one who originally took care of her on the day of the attack. It takes a village.
Sending you all lots of hugs and healing chickie vibes!
Okay, I'm panicking a little bit. I know I've read a bunch of these articles of chickens getting attacked by hawks. They end up being okay so I have my fingers crossed. Please forgive my spelling / grammar / everything. I'm a little frazzled. My GLW pullet hatched sometime in July so she's about 3 mo. She was free ranging today with her pals when a hawk snagged her. I was not present. My neighbor's teen came out when he heard our rooster sounding the alarm and found the hawk standing on her. He chased the hawk away and teen's mom scooped my girl up and stuck her in her sweater until I got home. She was breathing sleeping and moving her legs a little bit. She opens her eyes off and on but mostly just sleeping. I looked her over and found a couple wounds but I don't feel like I was thorough. I felt like I just needed to wrap her up and hold her. I snuggle her for a few hours. She is not actively bleeding. The wounds we could find I sprayed with vetericyn. I stuck her in a medium sized cat carrier with a waterer containing electrolyte solution. I didn't stick any food in there because right now I don't have a lot of space. Tomorrow I can set up the brooder box and have enough room for food and water and her to move around if she wants. What else should I be doing?. I feel like I should know these answers but my brain is not working under pressure.
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@azygous @Wyorp Rock

The cat carrier is in a dark quiet warm place.

Her sister is still missing I haven't seen her since before the hawk attack. I'm hoping she's just hiding in fear and perched somewhere for the night. But something tells me she's not coming back.
I have been raising buff brahmas for 4 years. Yesterday my buff Brahma rooster, Dominic, lost his life to a red-tailed hawk trying to save his flock. It was pretty upsetting. He was almost 3 ft tall. My chickens are not free range but they are in a 40 ft x 40 ft yard with an 8 ft fence and I have spider webbing wire all across the top. It kept hawks away for 4 years. Why all of a sudden one got brave and decide to try to get through it I'll never know. It's heartbreaking when you work so hard to keep them healthy and happy and then something like this happens. My heart goes out to you.
Hawks are brazen birds, with no fear. We have 2 coops, a main one for grown up hens and a smaller one for raising newbies and introducing them to the main flock. The 2 coops are about 20 feet apart. Last weekend, we were doing overdue land management on our ravined back yard. While taking a break and sitting on chairs in between the coops, a hawk flew down and landed on the run of the smaller coop. The run is about 4 feet tall. It perched there an d stared directly at us. It wasn't until hubby jumped up and grabbed a piece of wood and started to go after the hawk that it flew off. I was stunned that it would get so close to the chickens even with us right there. Fortunately, all hens were in their runs for the day and no injuries or casualties.

Predator control is a full time job. I just hired new helpers for this job...2 border collie-great pyenees mixed dogs. Pups now, but they are learning the ropes daily!
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Hawks are brazen birds, with no fear. We have 2 coops, a main one for grown up hens and a smaller one for raising newbies and introducing them to the main flock. The 2 coops are about 20 feet apart. Last weekend, we were doing overdue land management on our ravined back yard. While taking a break and sitting on chairs in between the coops, a hawk flew down and landed on the run of the smaller coop. The run is about 4 feet tall. It perched there an d stared directly at us. It wasn't until hubby jumped up and grabbed a piece of wood and started to go after the hawk that it flew off. I was stunned that it would get so close to the chickens even with us right there. Fortunately, all hens were in their runs for the day and no injuries or casualties.

Predator control is a full time job. I just hired new helpers for this job...2 border collie-great pyenees mixed dogs. Pups now, but they are learning the ropes daily!
They are bold! The one who tried to take my girl - I was sitting RIGHT there. It was only when I grabbed my hot tea to throw at it did it fly off! My girl was a fighter too - she was like, “not today satan bird!”

Loved hawks before having chickens, but they have taken 2 and just left them. Just killed them and it breaks my heart.
I'm still struggling to bring this little girl back to health. She was doing really well after she came out of shock very talkative and eating and drinking on her own her balance wasn't too bad. A week or so went by and she slowly stopped eating and drinking. She's getting super thin and her eye is huge and glued shut. Balance is horrible.

I tried doing multiple warm compresses to try to loosen the eye lids and putting Neosporin on it but that hasn't been doing anything. So I picked up an antibiotic that was supposed to be better than terramycin I read somewhere. It's called aqua zithro. We're on day four of me syringing about 3 to 4 ml. Then giving it to her for about 4 days and it hasn't really been doing too much that I've noticed. So I ordered the terramycin and have been giving that to her on her eye in addition. I hope that's ok. I've also been giving her one tab of B complex for the last 4 days and medicine dropping raw egg because she won't eat scrambled. I did put yogurt in with her but I don't know if she actually ate it. It looked like there was less than what I had given her but I don't know if the water content evaporated causing it to look like that. I'm really trying everything. Did I screw something up here? Also I saw what seemed to be a bug crawl across her eye but it could have been my imagination. It could have been dander it was tiny and white. I looked under her wings and her butt but I didn't see anything at all. And she's been inside ever since so I'm not really sure if she does have bugs. I gave her a bath anyway with Dawn's soap blow-dried her. While doing this I noticed there's a bare spot on top of her wing that I hadn't noticed before. It doesn't look inflamed it just looks like bone. I sprayed it with vetercyn just in case.

I need honest feedback did I make a mistake with the antibiotics? I'm trying everything and I feel like I'm failing her. I'm starting to cry just using speech to text here.

Is there anything I can do at this point or should I just put her down?


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