first kill is not as easy as I thought it would be.

Grapefruit Moon

In the Brooder
10 Years
May 21, 2009
I have to do it. I am having a very hard time pulling up the "spunk?"

I know he must go, I can't have the crowing in my yard.

What is the best way to kill a chicken

and where do I get the courage

or perhaps I should ask, how did you do it?
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I use a safety cone cut down to fit the bird, use a sharp knife to cut his artery and walk away until he's done bleeding out. In the cone, you won't be subjected to some of the kicking and everything else that goes on with the bleeding out. It's kinda "outta sight outta mind' type thing for me.
I just did my 5 male Welsh Harlequins yesterday and my brother came to help thank god. It was very difficult and bothered me a lot I reminded myself that it was best for the rest of the flock and just did it the one that bothered me the most was the one who didn’t struggle seemed almost trusting of me Good luck and do it for the good of all the others
I do it as a series of steps with each step outlined in my mind. I don't think about the whole process. I use a killing cone and cut the arteries on each side of the neck. My husband likes chopping the head off better, but I lack the coordination to do that alone. It's not something I look forward to doing. I just do it and try not to overthink it. I know I am doing the right thing for my family and my birds. Good luck. Karen
Thanks for the quick replies.

It seems like . just do it, thank you Nike is the way to go.

No killing cones here, but I do have an ultra large laundry detergent empty bottle. I think a hole and the bottom and a little enlarging at the spout end, it will work.

I think I will give them a name for now, Stew Now and Stew Later. That might help.

thanks again.
Personally, I like pithing if I'm just doing one or two.

Turn the chicken on it's back like you're cradling a baby and let it "fall asleep" (it's not actually asleep but in Tonic Immobility, which is a nature designed mechanism for many different kinds of prey animals that allows them to go still and calm when in a stressful situation).

Stroke the chest slowly so they stay calm.

Some people hang the bird immediately upside down with a cone, but some find it easier just to lay them flat on something for the first few times. Which ever you choose, just move slowly so as not to wake the bird up and take your time.

Once it's in position, gently open the beak. Use a long, thin knife and stab up through the roof of the mouth behind the eyes and twist. This destroys the brain.

The bird usually just shudders and goes limp and it never feels or knows a thing. Hang it upside down immediately to drain if it's not upside down already. If you have it on a flat board, but some twine around the feet and just hang it up on a tree.

Just remember to take your time, and keep your head up while you're holding and petting the chicken. Don't sit there and stare at it as it goes still or you're not going to be able to do it.

Just keep in mind that you have a job to do and you're doing it the very best way you can and keep your attention focused on the job.
you almost seem like you need to get rid of him, but you dont want to kill him. if this is the case, first try re-homing him. (ad in newspaper, craigslist) If i'm wrong, then im not sure because i have only done one chicken and it was a year ago, i dont really remember.
a friend came over and helped me with mine. I am a veggie and had never even cooked a chicken, so I was a rank amateur. I won't lie, it was a bit startling seeing it go from a live bird to dead. But, after that it was all business. She was wonderful and showed me how to do everything and explained as we went. It was much easier (emotionally as well as physically) than I expected. Having her help made all the difference.

I would heartily recommend having a friend with you your first time.
This might seem hokey. That's o.k. I'll tell you anyway.

This is as to courage - not so much method. You've gotten lots of thoughts on method.

You know how the Native Americans (at least in t.v. portrayal) would handle killing as a sacred thing and thank the animal for giving its life, etc.?

I don't follow any of those sort of religions. But i do follow God, and i took the time to recognize the gift of provision in the death of the animal and the gift of beauty in the life of the animal and thank God for allowing me to be part of the process. I usually do this every time i butcher an animal. It really helps me to focus on the necessity and blessing of the task at hand, and God calms my heart as i acknowledge Him.

Also, once the head's off, it's pretty easy for me, like Angiechick said. And once the feathers are off, it just looks like dinner.

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