First loss - Darn it!!!


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 28, 2011
Let my bantams go out to free range this morning. Just heard some commotion outside and went to investigate. I saw a hawk on my favorite hen. I ran towards it and scared it away, unfortunately she was already dead. Doesn't surprise me that this is the one that was targeted since she was most docile and wouldn't run away from anyone like the other ones did. I know it's nature but this really blows.

Any how, does anyone know if a hawk will come back for the dead hen? I'd hate to have her go to waste. I'm debating whether to leave her there for now and maybe the hawk will come back for it. Or should I just go ahead and dispose of her now.
I'm soooo sorry. This happened to me last week. I lost one of my Mille Fluer D'uccle girls, she was young and I guess the easiest target. I'm assuming it was a hawk as there was no body, just a small pile of feathers where I guess she was snatched. I kept everyone under lockdown for a few days but really I know they are best off free ranging. So far so good, no other losses. I don't think I would leave her body out for the hawk or any other predator- teaches them there is an easy chicken buffet waiting for them at your house. I would bury her if she was mine. So sorry, it really sucks.

You'll probably just attract buzzards with a dead chicken laying out in the yard... or coyotes overnight. I don't mind the buzzards, but I don't like to attract other preditors, so I'd bury it or take it out to the woods far away from my coop.
Thanks everyone. Makes me wish I didn't choose the bantam breeds since they seem to be easy prey for hawks.

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