First Night in Coop! Sad Chicks!

:hugsYour babies will be just fine. I was thinking that there is a lot of space for them inside the coop. You could wall off the nest boxes until they are closer to laying age.

More importantly the roost does seem a bit wide for them. Can you move the roost from the brooder into the coop, at least until they get a bit bigger? Was there a light in the brooder? Perhaps creating a similar set up would ease their transition.

Good luck!
They'll be fine. They look nice and feathered, so won't get cold at night. I'm assuming it's pretty warm in summer in Central Florida as well, so that's of no concern.

They're unlikely to be's just a bit of a change. It's more likely that their humans are sad to see them outside! :)

Chickens huddle up together, so that's completely normal behaviour. Not sure about the shivering.

They figure out the coop pretty quickly. If you have to put them in at night for a week that's OK. They'll end up seeing it as their safe place. If you do put them in there manually, put them straight up on the roosts so they don't get into the habit of sleeping on the ground in there.
What are your thoughts on hanging a battery operated lantern light in the coop for the first few nights?

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