First night in coop


May 15, 2020
North Bangor, NY
We had a rough first night. Got home from work yesterday and put them out in the run, then moved them to the coop at dusk. They were very loud and unhappy. They flew all around and then all decided to fly up to the top and stay in a little space by the roof for the whole night. I went in at 4 am ( I was getting ready for work) and got them down from the ceiling and put them by food and water, they ate and drank. Checked the camera on my way to work and they hadn't seemed to move much away from the water/food. Am I being too nervous? Will they get used to it. Hate seeing them so stressed and unhappy.
We had a rough first night. Got home from work yesterday and put them out in the run, then moved them to the coop at dusk. They were very loud and unhappy. They flew all around and then all decided to fly up to the top and stay in a little space by the roof for the whole night. I went in at 4 am ( I was getting ready for work) and got them down from the ceiling and put them by food and water, they ate and drank. Checked the camera on my way to work and they hadn't seemed to move much away from the water/food. Am I being too nervous? Will they get used to it. Hate seeing them so stressed and unhappy.
By no means am I an expert on Chicken Psychology, but they do seem to adjust as time goes by. We just have to be patient and let them have that time. I’m guessing that these chickies are the only ones, with no adults to mimic, so give them time, and try not to worry.
By no means am I an expert on Chicken Psychology, but they do seem to adjust as time goes by. We just have to be patient and let them have that time. I’m guessing that these chickies are the only ones, with no adults to mimic, so give them time, and try not to worry.
I fugured, just very upsetting for me to see them so unhappy.
I finally had to! They had a much better night last night despite a thunderstorm!
I finally had to! They had a much better night last night despite a thunderstorm!
I finally had to! They had a much better night last night despite a thunderstorm!

We had a rough first night. Got home from work yesterday and put them out in the run, then moved them to the coop at dusk. They were very loud and unhappy. They flew all around and then all decided to fly up to the top and stay in a little space by the roof for the whole night. I went in at 4 am ( I was getting ready for work) and got them down from the ceiling and put them by food and water, they ate and drank. Checked the camera on my way to work and they hadn't seemed to move much away from the water/food. Am I being too nervous? Will they get used to it. Hate seeing them so stressed and unhappy.
I am dreading that first night! As you said, it's so hard to walk away when they are stressed and unhappy.

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