First one, wrong end!!!!

you got this!
Oh Sally I am happy to see you weighing in!!!! What should I do next? I DO NOT want to rush things. I see it breathing. I am having to wet the membrane by hand at least every 30 mins. And we HAVE to leave the house in an hour. We will be gone for 3 hours.
open that up down to the lowest dip in the air cell.... do you have bacitrim ointment or triple antibotic ointment WITHOUT pain relief?

his beak is more than likely located at the LOWEST DIP IN THAT AIR CELL so take shell off as far as you can go down to the inner membranes, take the ointment and gently rub it all over that membrane and then feel with your finger for his beak or even his round big eyeball...... then get his beak free he is shrink wrapped, try to avoid as many major vessles as you can by pushing the aside make just enough of a hole at his beak to get his nostrile free.
you may even see his beak or head moving
I see movement, its breathing, but I CAN NOT find a beak or eye. What I thought was the beak was a leg or something because it has fuzz on it. This is getting a little stressful, but I am staying calm. I tried to clear it away a bit and I saw blood so I stopped, not a lot but the inside of the membrane is looking more red down on the side. I wonder if that is blood filling up or just skin. I really don't know if this one will make it and I am going to feel AWFUL!

Assisting CHICkS that you SUSPECT Malposition
THIS is by FAR THE WORST SENARIO and SO HARD to Distinguish between Not ready to hatch and malpositioned! If you suspect you have a malpositioned chick (the egg is overdue for hatching) and HAS GONE PAST day 21 and the hatch of everyone else…. you can open air sac, (DO NOT OPEN BELOW AIR CELL LINE!) follow the instructions above on opening the air cell CREATING an EXTERNAL PIP. BUT FIRST Study the common malpositions as pictured in this article so you are familiar with its anatomy!….
Normal hatching position and the six recognised malpositions:

After carefully removing air cell end, wet a finger and feel and look for the beak through the membrane. IF there is A LOT of fluid under the membrane you may have a wet/mushy chick or one that simply isn’t ready yet, place them back in the incubator and wait! DO NOT OPEN THE INNER MEMBRANE! If a lot of fluid is NOT present, look for its big round eye, or beak, or even wing to help you find its head. JUST LOOK AND FEEL THROUGH THE MEMBRANE AT THIS POINT DO NOT OPEN IT!

If you find its beak/eye/wing take your tweezers and create a small hole in the inner membrane AVOIDING ANY BLOOD VESSELS! Depending on position you may need a larger hole, just AVOID vessels as much as possible. You may need to gently lift/pull the head from under the wing and by gently extending it may be sufficient to allow the chick to complete hatching. (If you do hit a vessel quickly using a dry clean paper towel or gauze hold for a few seconds and bleeding will stop.) After this stage the chick will look as though he is gasping, place in incubator & let it rest at this point. Let the chick rest until the blood vessels recede, follow instructions for assisted hatch above from this point on. WAIT WAIT WAIT! Oh and WAIT SOME MORE! AGAIN. this is the HARDEST position to get a chick to live, but at least your giving it a chance at life!

IF YOU DON’T FIND its beak/eye/wing from the air cell end or see a yellow/orange sack DO NOT break the membrane! I HATE HAVING TO DO THIS STEP AND depending on egg cost I WONT EVEN TRY AN ASSIST! It is Hard understand and find how a chick is positioned! IF YOU CANT FIND ITS BEAK, you can make a guess as to where you think it is after refering to that link and its pictures on malpositions, and carefully chip ONLY OUTER EGG Shell away at the guess area. (Example: If you see the butt or yolk sack when you took the air cell end off, you have the bottom of the chick, you will refer to the link with malposition pictures and take a guess at how the chick is situated at the other end or SIDE of the egg) The membrane will often be brown where the beak is trying to break through. If your lucky and find its beak, create an air hole there so the chick can breathe and if you didn’t find it DO NOT open the membrane, refer back to the position ANATOMY pics and try another spot and keep trying! As LONG as your only taking the Shell off and not causing blood loss and NOT disrupting and inner membrane your ok! ITS HARD to figure out a position and I am finding alot of times their head is tucked in the middle of the egg between butt and feet! After you found its beak establish clear beak for breathing, let the chick rest until the blood vessels recede, follow instructions for assisted hatch above from this point on. WAIT WAIT WAIT! Oh and WAIT SOME MORE!

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