First one, wrong end!!!!

ok do you see and yolk? even under that top highest portion of the egg say 8-9 oclock in that pic?
No, yolk, but still veins. I looked at those images you had on your link. From the position of the feet I would say he is definitely breech. Head in small end. I think at this point I should wet it and let it rest. YOUR thoughts?
Quote: I honestly think he will suffocate like that. I had prewritten all the info on the procedure, you will have to follow it to free his beak. But it is totally your call, he is too dried up in there and malpositions mostly cant pip. do you hear it chirping? its still moving?
let me ask you this yet.... do you recognize anything other than feet? wing neck? can you tell which direction from his feet will lead around to his head, remember they are rounded up in there. tucked
I did an assisted hatch on a chick about a month ago. She had her butt at 5:00, her left foot tucked near her butt, her right foot around 7:00 and her head turned sideways, with her beak at 11:00. I chipped away the shell and the outer membrane until I located her beak, keeping her covered in the inner membrane and I kept the membrane damp. I left her like that for 7 hours before I removed the inner membrane so she can hatch. In a situation like this it does help if you can see the yolk area, but don't open the shell more than you need to as it can make it harder for you to keep the chick from kicking out prematurely.

ETA: she had her butt in the fat end of the egg and her beak in the narrow end. I did the artificial pip same as you did with this one.
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Sumi, mine was the same way as you described. I think I rushed it bc of the amount of veins I was still seeing. It was obvious it couldn't pip on its own bc of its position and the shrink wrapping might have rushed me. Needless to say, it just died. I feel awful. I will never know I guess if failed by trying or if it would have died anyway. I learned a lot today. I'm so sorry this was not a success story. Thank you both for all your help.
Sumi, mine was the same way as you described. I think I rushed it bc of the amount of veins I was still seeing. It was obvious it couldn't pip on its own bc of its position and the shrink wrapping might have rushed me. Needless to say, it just died. I feel awful. I will never know I guess if failed by trying or if it would have died anyway. I learned a lot today. I'm so sorry this was not a success story. Thank you both for all your help.
Momma, you tried to save the poor thing, you didnt do it any harm you were trying to give it a fighting chance.

Have you had most of the shrink wrapped Momma? or were some hatched good?
I'm so sorry to hear that

Look, I've done quite a few assisted hatches, some make it and some don't. And there's nothing you can do about it if nature decided that chick is not meant to live. I remember my first assist (the chick in my avatar) went so well and the chick was fine. Then my second assist was the most beautiful chick, but she was severely handicapped. Often we need to help because the chick is malpositioned, or because it lost it's egg tooth or because the shell was too hard or something and the chick is fine (look at Ajani!). So, as long as you tried and did your best and I know you did! If the chick didn't make it don't blame yourself, O.K? You tried and you did a great job, but we're fighting nature here and sometimes we win and sometimes she wins. As long as we learn from it every time.

You've learned from this experience and others who read this thread learns from it too. Next time you hatch you will know what to do and when and how to do it and you will be more confident, I'm sure! And if you have questions or need a second opinion or just some moral support you know you can count on me and Sally.
Thanks so very much for your advice Sumi! I am now dreaming about these ducklings, that I wake up and they are all hatched and cute! Then running to the bator and finding no progress yet! UGH so frustrating trying to be patient!!! This is my first hatch EVER, I was convinced at day 4 I had killed them all, was so happy to find I didn't! Now I am afraid I have killed the rest.....going to wait it out.................let Mother Nature work her magic!!!! Will keep you posted!! Thanks Again!!
You're welcome! I have 9 Pekin eggs due to hatch Monday and it's my first time with duck eggs. I hope both our hatches go well!
Momma, you tried to save the poor thing, you didnt do it any harm you were trying to give it a fighting chance.

Have you had most of the shrink wrapped Momma? or were some hatched good?
Thank you Sally. I did try. I really wish it had turned out better.
And no, the others seem to be fine. The ones that have hatched anyway. I guess humidity could be the culprit for the others that have not yet hatched.

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