First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

I haven't even gone back to read the past posts (I've got 18 updates on this thread it says), because I'm up at 5am for work.
Yesterday my birds were slaughtered/attacked. By a mother Fing raccoon. I was at work. I called DH at lunch time, he was home working on our stove in the basement (my sister was watching my kids and dog for me at my mother's house----and I thank the LORD for that, from the bottom of my heart). He said we had lost another bird to the cyanotic gasping action. I thought it was due to stress, because it's been in the 40s here, and at night the low 40s and rainy and the birds were wet (two nights ago from ranging all day in the rain---their choice, they loved it and didn't want to come in right away) so I turned the heat lamp on at night. They clustered below it, but were very restless and repositioning and jockeying position all night to get closer for warmth----so I attributed his death to rough handling the night before/stress.... that was lunch time that this happened yesterday.
I worked 14 hours, so at 8pm when I left last night I called home to let DH know my departure and see if my kids were sleeping yet to say good night, and he was whispering. He told me he was holding vigilance with a gun over the coop, that yesterday IN THE BROAD DAYLIGHT while he was IN THE YARD WITH THE BIRDS WATCHING-----2 raccoons came and tore through my birds.

DH is liking the birds and free ranging them, he let the big ladies intermingle with the babies in the yard yesterday and it was great, they all hung out together foraging. My property is about .6 of an acre, so not very big, and the birds are all ranging up close to my house/garden. He said he heard what he thought was "the egg song" when someone lays an egg. Only they all 6 of them were doing it at once. He thought that meant he had a lot of eggs to collect, so he rounded the corner of the house (the garden is off to the side of the house). All the hens were in the coop, sounding off---they put themselves back inside, 1st day free ranging-----no eggs. He stepped out, turned the bend of the chicken house and there the b*astards were. Plowed though my chicks and killed them in my pepper patch. The girls sounded the alarm but it was too late. The coons ran off when they saw DH coming toward them. THIS WAS IN THE DAYTIME, like 4 or 5pm. Not even close to dark!!!!! DH got a gun and took off after the raccoons, but he was too noisy from being upset, he couldn't find them. So he held vigil. Didn't even eat dinner last night. I got home, and I held vigil with a gun. Nothing.

We left the bodies in the garden where they were killed to use as bait, but they haven't come back for them. They beheaded 2 of the chicks yesterday, 1 died of other causes, so that is 3 dead. I've got 17 birds left and a few not doing so hot, because of being roughed up from the coons. I'm the only nurse for my half of the clinic today so I have to work and cant call off, but I'm beside myself.

The biggest sick factor in my gut is if my kids had been home, they free range in the yard, as long as we are within earshot/eyesite----they could've been attacked. My dog, gets her rabies vaccines tomorrow at the clinic in town and she would've been mauled had my sister not taken her. Its not safe. I'm not used to my home not being safe. Wild animals are everywhere, I live in the sticks, but something is wrong with these raccoons to attack while my DH was within site and in the middle of the afternoon. In a pair. They're solo hunters/scavengers....this pair tactic is foreign to me. I'm a hunter, have been for 7 years, but I'm knocked for a loop. I want them dead so that my family and my livestock are not in danger. I am waiting by the window now, listening, before work. Nothing.

He said the little birds didn't make anymore noise than normal, which they are very vocal anyway. He's sick over it and so am I, for what could have happened and what did happen.

I will work my shift and come home late again tonight and then I will sit up again and wait.

Tomorrow---rabies shots for all my animals, and my tomatoe canning will be put on hold. Talked to DH and I'm going to be building a large run. and my CX and layers will all share it together. It'll be like a horse pasture, but predator proof with hardware cloth and probably electric wire.

Do not want to go to work right now.

I just saw this Plaid and am heart sick for you. Sending you a PM.
The funniest thing happened this morning!
I put my little meaties, aka the Ghost Riders, in their outside brooder/coop yesterday.
Today, when I went to check and see that all 15 were still alive and well, the big gals followed me in to check them out. I am not kidding, my 2 Speckled Sussex ran behind my legs! They were afraid of the little fuzz balls. The Ghost Riders instantly picked up on this and chased them out of their area! I have been laughing for over an hour watching the antics between 7 grown chickens and 15 week old chicks!

Oh, and I don't agree with individual names for the birds we will eat. But a collective name for them all seems to be okay for our family, the Red Rangers were the last group. We are eating the last of them tonight!
Lol we caught a stray cat the first night too with the have a hart trap. We have also gotten 3 squirrels, 4 raccoon and a skunk in 5 weeks.

2 of my dp meaties jumped the gate on the bigger enclosed run. I was able to catch one and throw her over the fence, but not so fortunate with a br pullet that my greyhound Sagan got.

We free range my laying flock in the evening when my bf gets home from work. My bf really needs to stop naming the meatie chickens individually. I prefer itty bitty peep peeps or itty bitty poop poops or meat meats. Lol. My bf makes fun of me about how I worry if my meaties are happy or not, despite the fact we're planning on killing and eating them. I want them to have a good happy life while they're alive and with me. Yes they are food, but they should be treated well and be safe and happy until the day they head to freezer camp.
The funniest thing happened this morning!
I put my little meaties, aka the Ghost Riders, in their outside brooder/coop yesterday.
Today, when I went to check and see that all 15 were still alive and well, the big gals followed me in to check them out. I am not kidding, my 2 Speckled Sussex ran behind my legs! They were afraid of the little fuzz balls. The Ghost Riders instantly picked up on this and chased them out of their area! I have been laughing for over an hour watching the antics between 7 grown chickens and 15 week old chicks!

Oh, and I don't agree with individual names for the birds we will eat. But a collective name for them all seems to be okay for our family, the Red Rangers were the last group. We are eating the last of them tonight!

Haha! That's great! My hens will sneak in around me and just go belly up to the trough with my meaties if I'm not careful or fast enough. I often have to snatch up a snacking hen out of the tractor at meatie feed time. Now, I have to close the tractor door so they can't get in. It's pretty funny watching hens circle the tractor like wolves looking for an entrance.

Lol we caught a stray cat the first night too with the have a hart trap. We have also gotten 3 squirrels, 4 raccoon and a skunk in 5 weeks.

2 of my dp meaties jumped the gate on the bigger enclosed run. I was able to catch one and throw her over the fence, but not so fortunate with a br pullet that my greyhound Sagan got.

We free range my laying flock in the evening when my bf gets home from work. My bf really needs to stop naming the meatie chickens individually. I prefer itty bitty peep peeps or itty bitty poop poops or meat meats. Lol. My bf makes fun of me about how I worry if my meaties are happy or not, despite the fact we're planning on killing and eating them. I want them to have a good happy life while they're alive and with me. Yes they are food, but they should be treated well and be safe and happy until the day they head to freezer camp.

I'm glad you are catching some little beasties so they don't get your chickens!

I don't name my meaties either. They are called peeps or chubbies. I especially like to call them chubbies as they run across the pasture to greet me. I also put in a call to china to warm them about the possible earthquake.
That's funny. The good thing about Cornish Cross is you really can't tell them apart to name them individually. I call mine meatballs.

I feel the same way! I sent my brother a video of me petting one and it was cooing and absolutely loving it. He told me not to get too attached. But I figure if they only get 8 weeks of living, I might as well make it good for them. I figure it will make it less stressful for them on processing day if they're used to being petted and handled anyway.
I feel the same way! I sent my brother a video of me petting one and it was cooing and absolutely loving it. He told me not to get too attached. But I figure if they only get 8 weeks of living, I might as well make it good for them. I figure it will make it less stressful for them on processing day if they're used to being petted and handled anyway.
I pet my CX all of the time. Because they trust me and aren't afraid of me, it makes processing day a cinch. They don't run away from us. We just pick them up and take them to the cone. They have zero stress and it is a calm and peaceful situation. Way better than having to chase them, having screaming chickens and stressing out everybody.
I pet my CX all of the time. Because they trust me and aren't afraid of me, it makes processing day a cinch. They don't run away from us. We just pick them up and take them to the cone. They have zero stress and it is a calm and peaceful situation. Way better than having to chase them, having screaming chickens and stressing out everybody.

That is why they make Valium. Couple hundred pills in the feed and they are calm as sleeping lambs...

My chicken run up to me when I come out the door, follow me, walk around my feet when I have Chicken TV time. Flock to me when I go the feed shed. But do not like to be held.

I wish I actually did fed valium, processing day is a pain. The chickens are squawking, My wife is crying, The dogs are whining because they are locked in the house, and I am just plain sad...... BUT it has to be done.
I don't like that day either. My husband has made the comment a couple of times in the last week that he really hates killing all those nice chickens. I think he's hinting that he wants me to do it or something. He must be crazy!

Xanax or Valium would work but if you don't have some of either of those, Vodka works too and you don't need a prescription. LOL!
Haha! That's great! My hens will sneak in around me and just go belly up to the trough with my meaties if I'm not careful or fast enough. I often have to snatch up a snacking hen out of the tractor at meatie feed time. Now, I have to close the tractor door so they can't get in. It's pretty funny watching hens circle the tractor like wolves looking for an entrance.

I'm glad you are catching some little beasties so they don't get your chickens!

I don't name my meaties either. They are called peeps or chubbies. I especially like to call them chubbies as they run across the pasture to greet me. I also put in a call to china to warm them about the possible earthquake.

That is hilarious! I can see your flock of 30 chubbies rushing you. Running chickens are so very funny!

I agree that giving the meaties a great life before their purpose if filled is really what it is all about.
On processing day (granted we have only done it once, and there were only 5 birds) the birds were all used to being handled, my husband did the culling (I turned around) and my 4 year old son put the heads in the gut bucket. My 8 year old daughter stayed inside until all birds were done, but then came out to help pluck. We spent the entire 14 weeks talking about the circle of life, giving the birds the best life possible, etc. It really went very smoothly on culling day.
That is not to say that I could do the culling. I NEED my husband

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