First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Hello all. My CornX made the journey to the new outside home today. We got them on May 5 and they are growing like plump little weeds. I'll post some pics shortly of their new home and the run. It was quite a slog (literally as we received 8.47 inches of rain in May) to complete the project. I was getting worried they were outgrowing their extra large dog crate apartment. 8 birds made it from the original 10.

Forgot to say, this is our first run of these birds and we're super excited too. Appreciate all the knowledge passed on in these forums! Thank you
LOL its my 1st batch too and we got them may 2nd. i started letting them out at 2 1/2 weeks during the day since it was so nice out. they went out consistently at 3 1/2 weeks, and now they actually like being out. they are now 4 weeks old. :p
Here's some pics of the meaties in their new Condo. This structure is actually a wood shed and unto woodshed it shall return in the fall. I used about a third of it for the meaties and left it so that eventually I can house more in it if the meaty experiment goes well (and I think it will). They were a little apprehensive at first but after an hour they were out in the run eating.
No offense, but l have never seen chickens grow so uglily, they don't have anymore fluff!

Super meaties, in answer to your question about how to get your chick to drink(is he still alive?), l always just dip their beak in the water and they just naturally drink. However, this is with new chicks from the store, it may not work for your older guys.
your chicks will look a lot better in a few days! ;) trust me, mine are pretty much fully feathered!
Super meaties, in answer to your question about how to get your chick to drink(is he still alive?), l always just dip their beak in the water and they just naturally drink. However, this is with new chicks from the store, it may not work for your older guys.
yes the chick is alive and he started drinking today! he walked a little bit too. i will hopefully get some pics soon.

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