First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Mountain: Yes, happy that two of the boys found a good home. The new chicken lady sent me this pic of the boys getting to play a little tune on the piano at their new home. I think they will be spoiled.

But alas, the two remaining roosters that I have made darn good and sure that I would not get the peaceful morning that I was hoping for. I can't win. I really need sleep too right now because I came down with a nasty cold from these weeks of overwork, stress and sleep deprivation. Ugh!

Ralph, we can always count on you to keep us entertained here at the Bar and Grill!

Nothing brightens the day like Piano playing chickens.
I love the piano playing roosters! I wonder if they were crowing at any point too...

Ralph- I like what you have there! I can imagine your book will keep me rolling on the floor.
I hope the lady comes back for some over priced chicken
just kidding on the over priced part. I was trying to figure how much I would charge, and came to a similar number.
My neighbor asked how much it would be... she was a bit shocked. Sorry lady, I too must recover my processing related booze costs.
I love the piano playing roosters! I wonder if they were crowing at any point too...

Ralph- I like what you have there! I can imagine your book will keep me rolling on the floor.
I hope the lady comes back for some over priced chicken
just kidding on the over priced part. I was trying to figure how much I would charge, and came to a similar number.
My neighbor asked how much it would be... she was a bit shocked. Sorry lady, I too must recover my processing related booze costs.

I feel the same way, either pay it or not, do not whine. cry and try to cajole me down. Besides have you seen what good chickens cost in the stores!

You know how sometimes you are so focused on something you do not see the entire picture. Well, that happened when Rick died I thought my chances for CX/Dixie rainbow crosses died too. DUH..

Today Bert took his girls for a walk, the other flock was there. I happen to notice one of my Dixie Rainbow hens was standing next to Bert. I have a couple of them. They are good sized and could hold Bert's weight for the 4 seconds it would take him to do his thing. I am going to put the 2 CX pullets, 3 Dixie crosses and Bert into a pen together! I will have my crosses!
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We got a broody!!!!!! she went broody on the same day our turkeys started laying, so she has two turkey eggs and two duck eggs. And how in the heck do you candle a turkey egg, it is near impossible.
We got a broody!!!!!! she went broody on the same day our turkeys started laying, so she has two turkey eggs and two duck eggs. And how in the heck do you candle a turkey egg, it is near impossible.

I found last year a really bright light in a real dark room and do not try to see too much, be happy if you see a vein.

Have your turkeys started to lay yet???

Not yet, they have not even allowed the toms to mate with them yet.

I doubt they will for another 6-8 weeks. BUT if this warm weather continues it could be sooner. I am hoping not as I need to get fences built and we have too much frost to get a hole dug, even with my bobcat and digger. I am going to be separating out the hens soon, so I can make sure they are not laying.

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