First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited! GRAPHIC WARNING!

this is the tool. You put the sharp side into the slit in the roof of their mouth and the other part on the top of their head. Apply force quickly. Then cut their throat. It should let the feathers come out easily and the immediacy of it is supposed to be painless or as near as.

I can't buy one here but I am planning to buy one or more online when I return.
you can buy them from that website

Using one of these and having the feathers drop off without having to heat and dip the rooster would make up the difference in my being able to process. Pithingis a way of life that people did for hundreds of years.
Clarification please. Am I to understand that this tool is supposed to make the feathers come off easily?I don't see how this could be possible

Pithing goes straight to the brain and relaxes the muscles releasing the feathers. An old timer once could kill, eviserate and . Pluck in under three minutes. Of course, he did it 40,000 times. All pithing. I read a lot of OLD books on chickens on google/books. Free of course. :D
Using one of these and having the feathers drop off without having to heat and dip the rooster would make up the difference in my being able to process. Pithingis a way of life that people did for hundreds of years.

Lol. I'm thinking wives tale on this one. I'd have to hear it from a poultry biologist

This is not an old wives tale. Do some research on Pithing and chicken. That is what Google is for. This is not a joke.

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