First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

I was thinking JR could put white concentric circles (notice the big word, it shows I went to colleges once) on the red box and rent it out to Target inc as a billboard.

Peep, It is best you not try to use those tissues, they were probably paid for with a federal grant of around 10K or so......

MM, Why wait until you get home to start incubating? Get yourself a good invertor plug it into the cigarette lighter, bring the incubator with and you can have half done chicks when you get home...

The CX's had their first night of fasting last night. I put the feed tray in this morning, most of them were in the far corner of the pen, then one brave one realized it was food and cautiously approached and started to eat. As soon as the rest saw one was eating I had a stampede of yellow marshmallows on my hands. I will be giving them a couple hours them pulling it again, until they all understand they need to eat when I put the food in.
I could just see the hubb's reaction to my having a portable incubator in the car... That one will have to be brought up when he is completely snockered to even hope for a vague agreement!
I could just see the hubb's reaction to my having a portable incubator in the car... That one will have to be brought up when he is completely snockered to even hope for a vague agreement!

I suggest a trip to the liquor store followed by one to Victoria secret then his favorite restaurant to pick up take out....

Remember timing is everything on this request..
It is with an extremely heavy heart that I tell you that Sunny went to be with Bert today. I knew they'd get their chance to meet some day.

She was just 3 weeks from one year old. I believe she had a heart attack as I found her on her back sitting next to her little house. She was quite purple. This makes me very sad. I was hoping to celebrate her birthday with a cake.

Rest in Peace Sunny - 8/5/2014 - 7/13/2015

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OH Bummer Jessica, I was so hoping she would make a year..

I found Bert to be more purple than any other dead bird I have found too.. I figured his was a heat stress heart attack,,

I hope they find each other in chicken heaven..
Im Sorry Jessica. Ive read on other threads where people have claimed a couple of years. We need to figure out if its a matter of getting the diet and exercise right or maybe the strain? My birds came from Macmurray, and Ive got them on the 15 to 20 minute feed schedule twice a day. Sometime next week they will be moved to Target (Ralph)lol I think the key is like y'all have been doing,pooling information. I credit no losses of geese or chicks to y'all.
I am so sorry Jess!!
Du u think its was a heart attack or could she have fell and rolled over??

I am now going to make it my mission to keep Snowball alive to 2 years! I fo hope she makes it.

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