First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

I've been down and out for 6 days now. Couldn't stand it so went out and cleaned the water founts and kiddie pools. I immediately noticed Ponyo was missing. Further checking revealed I'm missing a total of 3 all together. I suspect the ones that figure out how to get out of the pen are being ate by something. I don't see anything getting past the geese on the inside of the pen
I bought and grew four 3 week old Cornish crosses to 7 weeks old and then butchered. Here is what they looked like on butcher day.

I was very proud that I kept them fed, but I didn't overfeed them. Even yesterday, after I removed the top of the brooder, ALL of them tried to flutter out. NO BROKEN Legs or lamenesses.

We all thought that they tasted great! And, yes, I'll do it again.
JR, I hope you survive the heat,,

Ducks4you, What did they dress out at?

Mine are a month old today, They are growing so slow, there is no way they will be ready in 3-4 weeks. I am so happy with this group. They are smart little buggers, They go into the brooder at night. If they see me they run towards me, thinking I will feed them.

When I let them out of the brooder in the morning they swarm out and chase me out of their pen. If I did not get the gate shut fast enough I bet they would run behind me wherever I went.
Those are happy, healthy meatballs Ralph - do you ever feel like the pied piper? I know I have that feeling with my layers, they follow me around the yard, watching what I do, to see if they can mimic and thus find more delicious nibbles. This summer they learned how to pick my rasperries, and they have learned where the best grasshoppers come from.

I'm designing my layers new coop - likely a woods style coop, so I can build that and a chicken tractor for the meaties I am going to get next spring. I will likely use the current coop for some ducks or geese.
I just placed an order for 8 standard white Cochin to replace the 3 mia's.
My daughter wants a pet. She's my baby. She liked the way cochins looked. I liked that they fit in with my guidelines. Yellow skin birds. 10+pounds,white feathers. Can't wait to start trying my own meat cross's
Ralph, uncover my stool! I'm back home from the great frozen north! Well, it is not frozen at all. It was, in fact, the hottest it has ever been in BC since I started going there 10 years ago. And the hottest my hubby remembers and he has been visiting for 25ish years!

TT, I hope you are staying cool! And don't let anyone smoke near your property, it may burst into flames!
I considered getting in touch with you while we were there, our stay was extended due to the BC day or whatever holiday there was last weekend. We could not get a ferry back to the mainland. But, we enjoyed our couple extra days by fishing, touring the islands and eating at the Dinghy Dock. I told my DH I was going through poultry withdrawals and needed to go see you. He laughed at me and told me to pet an eagle.

So, there was a ton of stuff I missed! It took me over an hour to read everything and catch up. Sounds like business as usual. With the exception of Holm selling off all his poultry! How sad.

Our trip was wonderful, but it is so good to be home! The turkeys flew over the fence to greet us and have not let us have a moments peace since we arrived last night. The girls are a bit miffed with us and are giving us the cold shoulder. They were not thrilled at being cooped up without extra scraps and attention each day.

The turkeys ate all the corn in the garden while we were gone, but I forgive them. They are so cute. Dinner is gigantic!

On the topic of things discussed while I was absent... I really don't remember everything I wanted to comment on. Glad everyone's birds are doing so well!
I secretly want to do another round of CX this fall. My husband would kill me. BUT, he is the one who willy nilly fed so many people our amazing chicken while we were on vacation. Oh well, I suppose I can spare a few lbs of meat for people I love.
Welcome Back MM..

I told you to bring an incubator with you, I knew you would need it. I think you should get some more CX's. Mine are so cute!

Here is an article written by an expert on marriage and poultry. Follow his advice and you can have your hubby buying the cx's for you..

It is amazing how big the turkeys are getting. "big Bird" is huge now. He is playing unfairly though. He knows he is suppose to be a holiday dinner and be standoffish. Instead he follows me like a dog and is trying to worm his way into my heart. I am afraid I may have to sell him to the nice Asian woman in St Paul with the plastic lined trunk. The same with the BBB I have. They are the friendliest while the blues are stand offish!

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