First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

And they may crush your precious diamond encrusted Creamettes trying to get into roosting position!
Love this!!!

Hey, good news! The highs are supposed to actually be BELOW 100 for a day or two later this week! Woohoo!!!!! Time to get out the gloves and scarf!

- Ant Farm

Edit to add: My Creamettes certainly ACT like they're diamond encrusted...
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I let the CX's out to truly free range today.

I just opened the door in the tractor and walked away I had no idea if they would find their way out. They did about 65 of them!

When I went out for Chicken TV time. They rushed me and followed like I was the pied piper. It was so cute.

When I fed them they tried to swarm the fence, not the brightest kids, but after about 5 minutes of herding them they were all back inside.

If my DW had not lost my memory stick for my camera I would have showed them too you..
I can't imagine what trying to feed 65 CX is like. But I don't use feeders. I just throw it on the ground inside the pen. If they see me get close to the pen they come running. The car is parked by the pen. So they are often diapointed when I get in it. Its so funny. The look on their face is priceless. But when the food is served they are true paranas. They often just see the food hit the ground and can't seem to find the gate and pile up at the fence. And when they get to the food you'd think they were fighting over the same piece. I spread it out a good bit so my silkie and Sumatra can get some on the fringes. Them two now they take their time getting to the pen. I'm not to sure if its because they get enough free range or they are afraid of being eaten. I have never tried leavin a full feeder out. So I don't know if they would stop at some point or just clean their plate.
Red Nugget- I have seen it happen once or twice. Only when it was really hot. BUT keep an eye on her. Make sure she keeps drinking, eating, etc. Is Herb back?! I thought he suffered a golden retriever fate...
I must be misremembering what you said.

Daskhan- Get well soon. Did they have your blood work back and say go home? Or will send the results to your family doc? It can take a few months for your thyroid to actually show up as an issue in blood work.

Jessica- 10 days with family?! Waaaaaayyyyyy too much for my taste! Glad you are able to get back to your regular routine... as grueling as it may be!
I promise, I didn't drink all the vodka! I've been enjoying sangria lately.

So, last night, I am sweating to death cooking dinner and my daughter comes in and is so very proud of herself. She told me she put all the birds away, got them all into the coop before they wanted to. Even turkeys. I think, hey, this is great! Tell her thanks for helping. Never thought to double check. She is nine. Pretty capable.
ALL the birds are out this morning when I get up. Sigh.
I wonder what "I put all the birds away" actually meant.... Anyhow, just glad the fox didn't show up last night!
yikes! glad the fox didn't turn up!
I had some English relatives over for a week and that happened one night to me too. Im blaming the drinks at the bar and grill...
Just hatched out 10 sweet blue slate poults. This turkey thing is getting out of hand.... We also have 20 new Mistral Gris chicks - 5 days between 2 hatches and boy can I see the difference. Like the Cornish X they dive into their food with enthusiasm! I have them out in a shaded tractor during the day and an enormous fridge box at night. Sounds like an aviary every night and morning in our dining room
Lost 2 hens in the 40 centigrade plus heat here last week. My vegetable garden is loving it as long as we keep watering.

I think they just picked them up from their mothers genes.

Sure is hard to type, with a turkey in my arms!..

What day do you think we will have her spoiled by? She crawls out of her box now to be held,,
Yes we have one adorable little stinker we call Pip who is the same. And the rest just need to know we are there. Once we come to see them they stop and pretend it was some other dude calling...
2Am temp report. A Beautyful 73'.
I was considering sneaking chickens in the vacant trailer across the drive way and running an detention cord out there. Hook up the window AC and spend the night.
But I think they are good for tonight. I just went to check on them and turned off the fans.I had to put them in the pen with the fan aimed at frozen water jugs.
Butter is now hangin with my peeps.
She has followed them around all day. She is sleeping with the chicks tonight too. And She chose to move in there place. When I decided to put up the chickens cause heat index hit 110 again. She followed them in. I put her in her own pen at about 10. She got out and was crying out side the chickens pen. I just opened the door And let her in. Do you think it would hert to let her live thereof she wants.
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