First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Ralph- did you train the Toads, or do they just not have that same innate drive towards food?
I know Pearl never needed to be kept from the food once she was in the main coop, but I assumed she learned better eating habits from restricted feeding. Then again, Sunny had to be kept away from the feeder somehow, right Jessica?
I just used a small feeder and put a small amount of food in it each day. She would sneak into the main coop and have a bite to eat sometimes but she didn't just sit and eat forever.
He is mean to my goslings and chicks. Think im gonna get a grinder and make me some goose burgers out of his feathered butt

Never had goose burgers. But sounds good. My cousin has geese and I'm scared of them. I've seen them Chase after grown men before. And man they made a great holiday dinner.
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They've got the bluff on everyone but me. Gander made a run at me and I snatched him up by the neck (and body) and carried him around with me for 30 minutes. After that if i point at him he heads the other way
They've got the bluff on everyone but me. Gander made a run at me and I snatched him up by the neck (and body) and carried him around with me for 30 minutes. After that if i point at him he heads the other way

Thinking twice before he crosses you again I bet. Btw
I found that post on that other thread. I bet he'll stear clear of you from now on too.
5 were gave to me by a friend. An adult pair of white Chinese,had to teach the gander the rules. The other three I thought were brown chinese. Turns out only one a tiny female is a BC. The other two are ganders. One of which is looking to be an African,he has surpassed the white Chinese in size. The odd gander out is still up in the air.
I do too. I spend most of my time outside with them. I never knew I would get such a high from a bunch of birds. I think it helps sooth the soal. Even the family that didn't want anything to do with them at first are admitting they are really cool.
Wow, I have to be away from the computer a few days and a whole lot has happened!

Daskhan, feel better - I concur with Red Nugget, have patience with your doctors, and schedule that follow up visit. As lame as it sounds, if you keep a little log of when the headaches and other symptoms come, what food your eating, what the weather is like, and any other 'strange things you notice during the day, that will really help them out! Maybe there is a pattern there that will help with a diagnosis.

Ralph, sorry about Ernie - may the being who took him have miserable karma!

Everyone else who suffers from heat - my apologies, I'm in Ralph and Holm's camp, I'm enjoying it while I have it. But, I also HATE HATE HATE heat - I pass out from it, no warning, so I really don't want that much, or that long of heat. I'm weird. I love snow. I raised weird chickens, they like it too (as long as it's not too deep).

I am also going to Alaska in a little under a month, bucket list trip, so I'm finding it hard to be annoyed by heat right now, too excited about the upcoming trip. Also, I am finally taking hunter safety so I can hunt for meats that are not chickens to sustain my freezer and my family through the winter. I will by trying bow hunting for deer for the first time this year. We'll see how that goes.

Happy Friday everyone!
Wow, I have to be away from the computer a few days and a whole lot has happened!

Daskhan, feel better - I concur with Red Nugget, have patience with your doctors, and schedule that follow up visit.  As lame as it sounds, if you keep a little log of when the headaches and other symptoms come, what food your eating, what the weather is like, and any other 'strange things you notice during the day, that will really help them out!  Maybe there is a pattern there that will help with a diagnosis.

Ralph, sorry about Ernie - may the being who took him have miserable karma!  

Everyone else who suffers from heat - my apologies, I'm in Ralph and Holm's camp, I'm enjoying it while I have it.  But, I also HATE HATE HATE heat - I pass out from it, no warning, so I really don't want that much, or that long of heat.  I'm weird.  I love snow.  I raised weird chickens, they like it too (as long as it's not too deep).

 I am also going to Alaska in a little under a month, bucket list trip, so I'm finding it hard to be annoyed by heat right now, too excited about the upcoming trip.  Also, I am finally taking hunter safety so I can hunt for meats that are not chickens to sustain my freezer and my family through the winter.  I will by trying bow hunting for deer for the first time this year.  We'll see how that goes.

Happy Friday everyone!

My Dh isn't into hunting. He said he doesn't want to be apart of the butchering. City boy. He once said he did all his huntin at Kroger. I have convinced him we could do better for our health if we by organic. We found an organic farm about an hour a way that has everything. All we do now is place the order and pick it up at the local farmers market on Saturday. Our bucket list also includes Hawaii. That trip will be in 2017. A whole month. Then we start saving for Alaska. We vacation with my Dhs parents every labor day for a week wile the spend the month. But Hawaii has been my dream. I alway said if I ever get there I might not come back. S nurse can get a job anywhere.
My poor chickens just got traumatized. They figured out the rain wouldn't hurt them,then along comes a bad thunderstorm and they get hit with hail. They are ALL,including the geese hiding in the

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