First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Here is a video of Bert Jr... Notice the same sprinting style as Bert had..

Bert Jr is a toad..

They look great! People are flat out crazy when they talk about these guys being lazy! Where did you get this group from? Im thinking about welps slow broilers for a fall process

I got mine from Hoover hatchery in Iowa, What I read on there website is the eggs come from Arkansas.

If that helps.

Chicapee I let mine out all the time alone. There will be some "accidental murders". I know this. BUT if you notice how much junk I have setting around, it is left there on purpose so the birds have things to crawl in and under to hide. Junk is a chickens friend!

Also the area the film is in is a pen with 5 ft walls. The top is open. They can come out the other door on their tractor and be completely free range. I close that door if I am going to be gone. In the morning they all go into the pen for some reason, in the afternoon they are all outside.
Had two red shoulder hawks perched in a tree eyeballing the chickens earlier. I sat and watched for a good 20minutes. They never made a dive, I think the geese were just too much for them.

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