First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

@Morrigan if you don't mind post weekly pictures and I will do the same. I beleive it would be interesting to see the differences as these two DIFFERENT breeds develope. With my work schedule and a little experience with the Cx ,it made more sense for me to try the slow broilers this go around. Also I'm wanting the broilers to interbreed with my white Giants and dark cornish Should end up with some interesting chicks
@Daskhan. There ARE fast as well as slow growth CX broiler strains. As I can not say Which strain welp hatchery carries specifically I won't belabor the point. Mac Murray hatchery also offers a slow growth CX broiler. The Original Cx strains were plagued by slow growth,defects and high mortality.
There are some very informative scholarly papers published over this topic. Its an evolving multi billion dollar industry that according to geneticists has in no way reached its natural limits. In other words,our fastgrowth Cx of today are tomorrows slow growth Cx. This is a proven demostrated fact.
I guess I assumed that anything sold as a broiler was some version of a CX.

JR Nash -- I love the idea of tracking our chicks to see how they develop in comparison.

I'll try to get a weight today and them do pictures and a weigh in every week. I'll add that I try to grow my CX fairly slowly. They get fed fermented feed twice a day, with a mid-day snack of spouted wheat, sunflower seeds and produce which I scatter in the yard to make them work for it. For the fermented feed, I go with 2 weeks on chick grower, 2 weeks of a mix of grower/flock raiser, and then flock raiser to the end. What is your feeding plan? With the slow growers, do you still need to limit feed?
I already have a huge demand. Now to get to work at building to fill those orders. In my area ducks eggs are a specialty. People that love them, love them! People that are weirded out by them are weirded out! I believe I can turn that around and make them a great seller! I currently sell out now of the small amounts that I sell. I'm hoping that having a much bigger group of ducks laying those lovely eggs sells as well!

I so miss having meaties!! If you have meaties please share all of your stories, questions, pics...anything! I miss Sunny!
Will you be making a how you raised ducks page like you made this one? As I've mentioned, I'm still considering them, and love watching how they grow. Or will you just share here with us?

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