First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Guess who finally has a toad! I've had the worst luck getting the CX eggs to hatch, but one finally decided to cooperate.

This big yellow fuzzball hatched out from under one of the broody pullets about 2(ish) weeks ago. I honestly wasn't keeping the best track. I weighed it for fun today along with one of it's black hatchmates. The toad weighs 2.4 oz and the black chick weighs 1.9 oz. Both are sired by my Black Langshan.
Guess who finally has a toad! I've had the worst luck getting the CX eggs to hatch, but one finally decided to cooperate. This big yellow fuzzball hatched out from under one of the broody pullets about 2(ish) weeks ago. I honestly wasn't keeping the best track. I weighed it for fun today along with one of it's black hatchmates. The toad weighs 2.4 oz and the black chick weighs 1.9 oz. Both are sired by my Black Langshan.
Great looking toad! They are so cool. I am getting eggs from my toad right now.
I love the toad pictures. Some day I'd like to have the space to try a breeding program.

5 more meaties went to freezer camp, plus we ended up butchering our little 1 1/2 old EE who had been born right here in our coop. It was a sad day for me. We knew the hen was not doing well. We had twice treated the little girl for impacted eggs earlier this year -- soaking her warm water, etc. The first time she started laying again, but the second time she did not. She always looked 90% ok, not as robust as the other chickens but not visibly sick either. Lately, however, I noticed she was sleeping in the nest boxes at night and emitting very watery and odd looking droppings. I decided it was time. Poor girl, she had a orange sized mass of congealed eggs in her abdomen and was really skinny under all the feathers. I should have done this earlier.
@Dpenning. I just moved my copper Marans 3wks,and my Dorkings 2wks, to the outside brooders. They love it!! As long as they have access to a heat source when they get chilled ,they do fine.


Pay attention to the one near the green feeder to the one on the green feeder
They arrived 10-10 so I think they are very large for their age my other large breeds are over twice their age and barely larger
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Guess who finally has a toad! I've had the worst luck getting the CX eggs to hatch, but one finally decided to cooperate. This big yellow fuzzball hatched out from under one of the broody pullets about 2(ish) weeks ago. I honestly wasn't keeping the best track. I weighed it for fun today along with one of it's black hatchmates. The toad weighs 2.4 oz and the black chick weighs 1.9 oz. Both are sired by my Black Langshan.
Love them!! If my 1 and a half year old CX hen makes it through the winter i will hatch some this spring.
I was outside with the chickens earlier. One of my Slow Broilers,a hen is tiny,about the size of a bantam. And she is very sparsely feathered. Trying to decide wether to put her on the freezer camp list. I've already took one of the rooster s OFF the list. He is showing really good size,and he comes up to me and follows me around. And they say chickens are
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@Dpenning. I just moved my copper Marans 3wks,and my Dorkings 2wks, to the outside brooders. They love it!! As long as they have access to a heat source when they get chilled ,they do fine.

Well it turns out I was confused. On the Ideal website they show not currently available on all their laying breeds but when you click on the meat birds it allows you to put in a quantity so I thought they were shipping. When you go to check out tho it says not shipping until 6/1/16. I checked the box to be notified if they could ship earlier. I'm guessing they just don't know what production will be in the winter months so won't commit to a ship date.

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