First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

These two together made....

This beastly boy... I need new pics of him since he has grown alot!!

And I hope to cross him over these girls... And a few more I don't have pics of. I want to have some colorful EE's aand hope that they still lay blue/green eggs.

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Cool, I was not sure how far it goes, I guess that proves Nebraska is part of the Midwest! lol

There is somewhere I was and I do not recall where but all "soft drinks" were called "coke"..

What flavor coke do you want?   Blew my mind and I will be darn if I can remember where that was.

In Arkansas it's all "coke". But recently we've been invaded by " furners" that say " pop" or "soda" and even "soft drink". I don't know where soft drink comes in, them coke sure can get you though when you belch and it goes through your nose.
In Arkansas it's all "coke". But recently we've been invaded by " furners" that say " pop" or "soda" and even "soft drink". I don't know where soft drink comes in, them coke sure can get you though when you belch and it goes through your nose.

What I mean by "furners" is simply Yankees that come here, and done that ain't yanks but talk like 'em.
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I currently have a very nice white bresse rooster out with my flocks of white bresse, ayam cemani, svart honas, crested cream legbars, polish and polish crosses, cemani/bresse cross and easter eggers. I'm only hatching out the brown/tan eggs until I put my nice ayam cemani or one of my svarts outside, hatch some fibro sbel layers then work on hatching more svart honas and ayam cemani until I get an unrelated new white bresse line. Oh and I covet frizzles. Plus I only have the 1 orpington, so she needs friends. Chicken math!!

Not to digress on the soda/pop/coke/pepsi hoolabaloo going on.

this was 12 weeks ago.. 9 more cx meaties plus 18 misc roosters gotta go soon!!
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What I mean by "furners" is simply Yankees that come here, and done that ain't yanks but talk like 'em.

Funny you should mention that. I was wondering why they do not teach English (American Version) down south.... When I am south of the Mason Dixon my most normal response to a "locals" questions or statement is "Huh? What did you say?" Followed by "Huh< say that again, slower."
I've seen waddles(a mythical cx known for his giant size, turns out he's not mythical I've seen him and he is a monster of a bird...) well my cx have seemingly stopped growing and arnt half his size is there a chance I'm doing something wrong or they arnt cx? I have them on layer fead now sometimes mixed with chick starter due to they are still less then 20 weeks and they are in a pen outside..


These were taken a week ago.. Tails are always up now so I'm assuming they are happy or atleast content

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