First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

So freezer camp was 2 days ago. They dressed out it looks to be a bit over 8lbs each at 15 weeks old. The one that couldn't walk had an infection in his leg. The infection was so bad.. I threw out the entire carcass. I should have culled him as soon as I noticed the problem walking. I feel terrible.

My turkey is still walking around though. I let her free range yesterday and she came running out from behind the garage when I called her nane, which is Jezebel by the way. I knew I shouldn't name my meat birds individually. . But yeah.

It feels weird to not get mobbed by a gaggel of hungry white cx meaties whenever I go out my back door. I'm sad.
So freezer camp was 2 days ago. They dressed out it looks to be a bit over 8lbs each at 15 weeks old. The one that couldn't walk had an infection in his leg. The infection was so bad.. I threw out the entire carcass. I should have culled him as soon as I noticed the problem walking. I feel terrible.

My turkey is still walking around though. I let her free range yesterday and she came running out from behind the garage when I called her nane, which is Jezebel by the way. I knew I shouldn't name my meat birds individually. . But yeah.

It feels weird to not get mobbed by a gaggel of hungry white cx meaties whenever I go out my back door. I'm sad.

Try not to feel bad about it. Leg problems are so wide spread with CX, it's a bit of a freak thing that it would turn out to be an infection.

I do know what you mean about being sad afterwards. When you let your meaties live so long, they really start to feel part of your flock and are missed when they are gone. They are such engaging birds.
So dispite the deep voices I'm starting to believe non of my remaining cx are males.. I'm not sure how my hyper bird project is going to go with only females but non have large combs or wattles and they all are ruffly the same hieght ugh Owell to me they also seem to have stopped the rapid growth
Maybe bump of the protein % in the feed? I'm going through only 1/3 the feed I was with all my meat birds. I have 2 more black in astrolorp roosters to process thst began crowing yesterday.

Feels weird to not be getting 200lbs a week of feed at the store. We just cleaned out tge layers coop and my indoor runner ducks are outside now. But I might go bring them back inside.. because well. I miss them.
Hey All! I decided to check in on you all here and noticed that a couple of you were wondering where I've been. I've been super busy with business and the farm over the last couple of months. I am finalizing my largest project of the year and it seems like lately, every one of my customers is needing print work. I'm so busy that I can't even get anything done!

We just moved our 3rd mobile unit out to pasture with our latest batch of pullets earlier this week. What a relief to get them all moved as they were taking over the yard. However, I don't think I have any more weeds, or moss in the flower beds as the hens seriously worked the yard over. Now we have to hurry and get everything cleaned all up to prepare for our spring chicks.

We have also reached the bittersweet moment of having to decommission our Unit 1 group of old hens and send them to market. I just have to remember that I saved those old girls from a really poor situation and gave them a good end to their life. I admit that I will miss those crazy old girls but I can't feed non-producing hens forever unless I want to lose everything.

Our ducks are nearly full size and pretty much the most adorable little stinkers ever! We adopted a couple of young ducks that were already laying to get a jump on the egg production around here. One thing I can say is that ducks are NOT like chickens. Temporarily they are living in our meatie chicken tractor which is open and they can see outside. Chickens are fine with this setup but ducks aren't. Holy moly, they would yell and run circles all night whenever a car drives by, a porch light goes on or off, every time the bathroom light turns on or off. After many sleepless nights, we enclosed the thing so they can't see out and finally we can all sleep. I would put this under the Duck 101 section of things you must know. Lol!

The egg business is awesome! Every egg is sold as soon as it is laid still. I have even found homes for my smalls and cracked/pecked eggs. It is nuts!! We are loving this business for sure. However, we would love it even more if it would stop raining occasionally for more than an hour. Goodness me everything is so soaked and muddy. It is a miserable mess here in Oregon. I know we needed the rain, but did we really need it all at one time?!
Jessica!! Glad everything is going well!! Dont you just love ducks!! Also did you know I am a GENIOUS!!
Holm: I didn't know you were a genius but congratulations on determining your awesome talent! I score very high on IQ tests myself. I may very well be a genius as well.

Nash: Isn't it funny how we all found this thread because of CX but we all vary with the rest of our flocks? Like, I would never want geese but I love my little ducks. They are so silly and absolutely adorable. I adore it when they see me across the pasture and start calling to me with their Quack, quack, quacks!! If I quack, quack, quack at them, they do it right back. It makes me smile. Sometimes I wish they'd do to bed on their own but apparently they just really like me to come out and herd them in. It must make them feel secure or something.

I also wouldn't want guineas like Ralph even though I think they are kinda cool. I couldn't stand the noise.

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