First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Quick question meaty bird experts...are the heat requirements the same for cornish x chicks? Mine are outside in the coop in a sectioned off brooder area with a heat light. It gets to be around 50 at night and 75-80 during the day. Their area is fully enclosed and draft free. My concern is them overheating. They can get away from directly underneath the light, but it's still pretty warm everywhere in the brooder. Id love to not use the light at all. I also dont want to do a heating pad but dont know if these chickies need to be raised the same as my layer chicks are. Thoughts?

How old are they?

They need some heat to start with but over heating them is a problem too. How are they sleeping under the light or away from it.
Some of my CX having breakfast. this brooder is 4x4x2
I have one brooder light it also has a wire "window" that I uncover during the day. At night mid 50's I cover part of the opening
This is a mixed batch of chicks,some CX ,leghorns and whiting true blues.
The CX don't require as much heat as the other chicks do,I offset the heat requirements of the egg layers with the heat the CX generate. Like I said it works great. I'm on my second batch using this brooder
They are 5 days old. They seem comfortable with the heat...they aren't clumped up under the light at all, day or night. I'd like to only use the light at night, but don't know if they would be ok with 70ish temps during the day. These little chicks drink a lot more water than any other chicks I've raised!! Thanks for the pictures, that gives me perspective!
Mine will be 4wks tomorrow I just moved them out the other day. Lowest it's been is around 50 at night. Tonight it will be down to 35 wit 15-20 winds. Do they need a heat light.
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Bluto, 35 is pretty chilly..I would think they would still need a light.Especially since the pics I've seen of meat birds show they don't feather out like layers do. I'm not sure when I'll move my chickens out to their coop. It depends on how long it will take them to run out of room. Their brooder is approx. 2 feet wide by 4 feet long and 4 feet tall. The coop I'm planning on moving them to has an attached run, but no door between the coop and run. I'm worried they will be too cold in there until they feather out.

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