First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

I just ordered our first batch of Cornish Cross Birds, any tips some of you "seasoned meat birders" could share? We're not new to chickens, just meat birds.
Get ready to have some fun! I would recommend reading the first several pages of this thread as that details my experience and what I learned while raising my first set of meatbirds, plus all of the advice that I received from all these wonderful people. There is so much information that it is better to send you back to the beginning rather than recant it all.
One of my Dark Cornish and One of the Slow Broilers both setting on the next batch of Heinz 57's
Ok so I have my first meaties due here in 2 weeks. I've just started reading about NOT letting them eat feed freely all day.... I leave every day to work at daylight and only return an hour before dark.... But have 3 day weekends... I want to free range but nervous about hawks while I'm gone to work. Any suggestions on how to effectively free range these birds? Would restricting feed on weekdays and free ranging on weekends keep them healthy enough? Any thoughts on a schedule?
Kris I understand the dilemma. My work schedule is similar. Feed them before you leave, feed them when you get home. As long as they have ample water they will be fine. An enclosed tractor or pen is the only safe way to free range "WHITE"broilers or any other white bird in my opinion. They are predator MAGNETS!!! The chicks will act like they are starving,don't cave in,the results of exercise and feed restrictions will make ALL the difference. Good luck.Make sure you have a healthy supply of electrolytes

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