First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Well I have 33 cornish cross that are 5wks today. I have them in a 7x7 pen in the yard. I let them out of it for about an hour so I can move th g e pen easily. Today I was sitting and watching them and had a Peregrine falcon swoop down uder my tree to about 8ft off of the ground above the birds until it saw me and disappeared down the hill.
Never thought I would see that falcon where I live that was a surprise in it self. We have lots of red tail hawks around here but I did not think we had peregrine falcons.
I lost my favorite chicken over the weekend. Let the layers out to free-range Sunday and my sweet silkie never came back at dusk. I'm guessing a predator got her...we've seen hawks here too. I've saved 8 of her eggs and have them in the incubator to try and help my sadness over losing my favorite :(

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