First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

What about electrolites in water after couple weeks old? Just food and water good?

If you want to use electrolytes do it, but I think you are trying to make raising these CX harder than it is. Leave them with an empty feeder. give them what they can eat in 20 minutes and just leave the trough there. An empty trough cannot kill them, a full one with 12 hours worth of feed can.
Ralph that statement applies to 90% of the things i do.

It seems to be a byproduct of our society. We want to make everything harder than it is to feel good about it.

I have two examples. When cake mixes first came out, women refused to make them because they were too easy, just add water was not "baking". the directions were changed to "just add an egg" and they became an over night success.

The other is slightly different, but kind of applies. We do what the "manufacture" tells us to do regardless of whether it is needed or not. Hence the 12 hours of feed and 12 off. Who do you think benefits if some birds get sick and die? Not the person raising them, but the person selling them.

Now on this note. what is considered to be the biggest advertising success of all time is (I forget the company, but I think it was P&G) Nearly double the sales on this product by adding one word to the instructions....

Shampoo did not start out having "repeat" on the directions.....It was a marketing genius type move to add it. People want to follow instructions.
On another note,ive left the food accessible to the broilers this time,the reduced caloric value has slowed their weght gain drastically,they are actually starting to look more in proportion and they are able to run without the exaggerated wobble.
Pre tenderized and aged to perfection!!!!!

Aged to perfection for a piece of clean meat is one thing, Aging meat by lying on and mingled with rotting gut and contents is another..

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