*First time caring for SICK ROOSTER... please help!!!*


14 Years
Aug 12, 2008
Mullica Twp., NJ
Our blue andalusian rooster has been acting lethargic since yesterday morning. He still seems to be drinking and pecking at his food, but he hasn't been crowing or strutting around at all.

I had him confined to a dog cage for most of the day and he spent the night in my foyer, so he could rest away from the rest of the flock. The day or so before, I had started noticing that he seemed somewhat aloof... foraging apart from the other chickens.

He doesn't seem to have any diarrhea and his stool looks normal, as far as I can tell. He also doesn't appear to have any respiratory problems. The biggest concern is that he's been acting unusually tired and has been walking around very slowly. His comb and wattles also look dull instead of bright red like usual. I could really tell today when I compared them against our blue orpington rooster and even his own blue andy hens.

Yesterday, I added some VetRx (for poultry) into his waterer, which he drank. Then, I decided to add Duramycin-10 powder (1/4 tsp to 1 quart of water). He drank most of that over the night and this morning. In the morning, I also offered him some yogurt and he ate a full mouthfuls. Since then, I sectioned off part of the chicken pen for him and put him out near the others, in the hopes that the familiar surroundings and proximity to his hens will boost his morale. None of the other chickens seem at all sick, and are acting as energetic as ever.

What could this be and what else can I possibly do for our poor little roo???
Because you started the Duramicin make sure you provide it for 7 days or you might create a super bug.

When was the last time he was wormed? Has it been particularly hot the past few days? Added any new foods? Does he have mites or lice?
The whole flock was dewormed with Piperazine-17 added to the water supply in April. It's been a bit warm but not bad enough that I'd think that was the cause. The chicken yard has plenty of shade from trees, and the rest of the flock all seem unaffected. They've all been getting Layena chicken crumbles, same as usual. Nothing knew was added to their diet. I don't know if he could have mites or lice... never noticed any signs. I do have Poultry Protector I could spray on him, in case that could help, though.
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I cleaned out the coop and sprayed the place down with Poultry Protector, then added fresh shavings. I also sprayed ALL the chickens with the Poultry Protector. Should I also deworm them with Piperazine again (done last in early spring)? Is it safe to deworm a chicken when it is acting sick or should I wait?
Why isn't anyone answering my posts???

My rooster still seems to be acting the same. He is walking around and pecking a bit, but he doesn't seem to have much of an appetite. I tried to tempt him with yogurt/crumbles mash, but he only ate the bits I was able to get stuck on his beak. I also hard-boiled a few eggs and gave him the crumbled up yolks. He seemed interested in this, at least, and he did wind up eating some, although a bit slowly. He also drank from his waterer while I was watching, which still contains the Duramycin-10.

My son and I think that the back points of his comb are starting to look a little darker red but the rest, along with the wattles, are still kinda dull looking. I wish he would act more energetic and start crowing again! He is still holding his tail down and walking slowly.

The rest of the flock all seem as feisty as ever, but they were all breathing through their mouths this afternoon, except him. Do chickens "pant" when they feel hot? If so, that makes me wonder why he doesn't seem to notice the heat as much. Their pens have plenty of shade, so I don't know what else I can do to cool them off. Any ideas?
Yes, you can worm again but I would wait until after you're finished with the anti-biotic.

How old is he? Have you checked him for any hidden wounds? How's his weight?
I had a rooster just like that and his comb got so bad we had to take him to the vet and give him antibiotics but sadly he died about 1 month later. Is his comb black at all?
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Knowing very little about chicken care, I probably shouldn't be piping up on this, but I know how you feel when it seems you aren't getting enough assistance quickly enough.

If I were in your shoes, I would have the rooster in the house till he recovered. I would give him Gatorade to drink to replace electrolytes. I would also give him Poly-vi-sol drops (without iron), 3 drops into the beak once a day (I believe) for a week, then taper off.

I have a limping rooster that I'm going to start treating this way based on dlhunicorn's recommendations.
The Poly-vi-sol without iron can be found in the vitamin section of Wal-mart. It's for infants (human infants, that is).
I'll be going to get mine soon.

You might search 'dehydration' to see if the symptoms match up.

Good luck!
Wow... finally! Thanks for all the responses... Now I don't feel so alone and helpless.

Thanks, I'll deworm them all again in a week or so then.

He's 11 months old. I got him as a chick from Meyer Hatchery last August. I've looked him over and sprayed him down with Poultry Protector, and he looks fine... no visible skin or feather damage, or bug infestations that I could see. He's feels a bit thin to me, but it's hard to tell if his weight has changed or not.

No, not black. It seemed to get dull looking instead of being a nice vibrant red. It might be starting to brighten up again now, tho'... unless it's just wishful thinking.

Hmmm... I suppose bringing him inside might be best. Gatorade sounds like a good idea, also. Before I saw your post about the Poly-vi-sol drops, I found something similar at the local feed store called Poultry Nutri-Drench. It is further described as a "Rapid, Rich Nutrition Supplement for All Classes of Poultry". I followed the directions for "Rapid Response", which says to feed directly in mouth, 1ml (cc) per 3lbs body weight. It can also be used as an additive to the drinking water, btw. Now, I'm just hoping and praying for the rapid response that was promised!

Thank you all for the advice and moral support! If you think of anything else I should do or try... please continue to post them. I'll let you know how things progress.
Depending on the temps you've been having, it may be weather related, or it could be he's starting to have a molt. Mine haven't ever molted, so I'm not certain if darkening can happen to combs, but I know it can cause fading of areas normally found to be red.

I've seen a lot of posts about birds dropping from dark combs and other symptoms, but didn't visit those threads- there were several over the last couple of days- perhaps visit those and see if it's similar?

Sorry I couldn't help more.

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