First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

Chicks shipped out today, should be here Friday! Set up the brooder today, hoping the chicks get here okay, I've been thinking about it constantly! Only have 4 coming.

Turn your heat lamp on a day or two early and get the temp stabilized. Lamp looks too low, put a thermometer under it and make sure it's ok They are too small to bake yet.
Turn your heat lamp on a day or two early and get the temp stabilized. Lamp looks too low, put a thermometer under it and make sure it's ok They are too small to bake yet.
I agree, that lamp will be too hot. Make sure they have room to get away from the heat also. I like the mama heating pad for the brooder. It is much safer and I brood them right in the coop in a dog crate
Good luck
We are new chick parents got the babies today! Our first chickens though we are considering getting quite a few more next February. Right now our first chickens are 3 buff orpingtons and 3 barred rocks. They are too cute! May the fourth be with my chickens:p .
awww precious. You've got some cuties there. I LOVE those BO!! So smart and friendly, least skittish of my flock.
Chicks shipped out today, should be here Friday! Set up the brooder today, hoping the chicks get here okay, I've been thinking about it constantly! Only have 4 coming.


I bet you are pacing house waiting now!! Nice looking brooder, I agree with others about the lamp; I suggest getting a brooder thermometer also so you can tel exactly what temp it should be and what it is.
I agree, that lamp will be too hot. Make sure they have room to get away from the heat also. I like the mama heating pad for the brooder. It is much safer and I brood them right in the coop in a dog crate
Good luck
To be totally honest, we have a 100 watt white ceramic heating lamp ( and it just doesnt seem that warm! I put it lower until the floor seemed to warm up. should I just leave it on for a while to see if it gets to a better temp?
our babies are 9 days old today! The lil fuz balls are getting big!! Very active and seem very healthy! They have been on organic starter feed since day one! They are doing great!
Our baby chicks arrived safely in the mail two weeks ago and they are doing great! Here at Sunshine Acre Worm Farm we added a Blue Favacuana, Wyandotte, Australorp and White Rock to our flock. They are thriving under their heat lamp but I am already anxious to get them outside permanently! What a mess those little girls make! I included a cute video link of our girls hunting for mealworms.

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