First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

The orpingtons at 7 weeks old, now refusing to pose as normal lol







We are new chick parents got the babies today! Our first chickens though we are considering getting quite a few more next February. Right now our first chickens are 3 buff orpingtons and 3 barred rocks. They are too cute! May the fourth be with my chickens

Chicks shipped out today, should be here Friday! Set up the brooder today, hoping the chicks get here okay, I've been thinking about it constantly! Only have 4 coming.



Here's our girls are about 11-12 weeks old now. They're settled in their coop nicely! This pic is of them in their play pen while i was cleaning the coop. They love the tall grass to munch on, so we leave it a little long along the fence for them. Now that they're grown, we know for sure that the girls are 1 RIR, 1 Isa brown, 2 Amber Links, and 2 Black Sex Links. They're fairing nicely and we can't wait until they start laying. We've got a ways to go yet, their little combs just started coming in.
First timers here too! our babies are five weeks old now, but here they are when they first came home with us. My kids (and me too) are very excited. We have 5 Ameraucanas and 3 Black Australorps.
Got a call from my town postmaster at 7:00am this morning "your chickens are here to pick up!" I drove there asap and grabbed them. Everyone got here safely! they are energetic and noisy! Got them from, was pretty happy with them. in the order was a barred rock, a silver laced wyandotte, a RIR and a buff orpington. The hatchery even sent us a second RIR. I am wondering if the extra will be a rooster, im waiting till the company opens to give them a call, maybe they have some idea. that being said, at the end of the day, im just glad they all made it here safe. definitely the softest, fluffiest thing ive ever come in contact with, and my 4 year old son was literally jumping he was so excited.

So @Serenashome posted some of our pics of our new chicks, but I wanted to show them off with a professional photo shoot with some of the names we already have. I'll update this as we finish the names! (by professional I mean a white poster board, light, and an iphone 6)

Chocobo 3 day old BO

Little BO (no name yet)


Puff BR

No Name yet BR

No name yet BR

So that's the flock! They are living in a delux brooder currently, here is my grandson getting them to come to him. He's got Chocobo and Puff on his fingertips!

Chocobo! What a perfect name!
Well.....the upside to having the boys practicing crowing is that now I get told when their water gets dirty

I have decided that baby crowing is on my list of favorite things...either it makes you go awwww or pee your pants from laughing!

Well, no more bloody stool from the bielefelders. Everything seems to have fixed itself with just nutri-drench and fermented feed, so I am more inclined to believe it was stress-induced. Could have been an overgrowth of coccidia since stress can mess up the immune system that keeps the numbers in check, but as long as they're doing okay I am going to hold off medicating. Was able to fix the prolapsed vent in the one chick after a few hours of prep H, and it's stayed in for 10 hours now so as long as there are complications (like infection), I think it will be okay.

As promised, the picture of them after they had had the chance to freshen up:


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