First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

New duck mommy and soon to be chicken mommy here. Got three Rouen ducks from a local IFA the Friday before Easter (only time anyone has ducks for sale around here). Also have 27 chicks coming from McMurray next week!! Will be keeping around a dozen of them while the rest go to family. I'll be sure to post photos of them when they arrive.

Now who knew ducks were SOOOO messy. I'd read plenty of posts saying they are messier than chickens but I have found that to be a gross understatement. Luckily we got our chicken coop done enough for them to move out to it last night. Much much better for all of us I think!! They seem to love it. Here are some photos.
At a day or two old.

Again at 2.5 weeks old!! Starting to get feathers and boy do they grow fast.

They have temporary names. Piggy 1 (my guess is girl), Piggy 2 (my guess is boy), and Happy (my guess is girl). We will see if my guesses pan out. One of them has been quacking but only if I was out of the room. As soon as I walked back in it was straight back to baby talk lol!!!
Hi all! Got one coop put together today. Got one more just like it to paint and build. Then we will build the run. Also installed a water nibbler system and a small roost bar for the girls in the brooder. Just a few more weeks and they get to move in!!!


Me! Me! I have chicks for the first time this spring! We had an order in at Runnings, but half their chicks died so after waiting 6 weeks to get them the day I started a week off, I was bummed. I did a search about found a hatchery nearby. We got 2 Buffs, 1 Barred Rock (I wanted more but they only had one), w Black Australorps, and one Amber Link. They are three weeks old now. It was in the 60s yesterday and today so I took them outside in a puppy playpen for some fresh air and sunshine. They are named after characters in books (I'm a teacher and reader): Ramona, Heidi, Helen (James Herriot's wife lol), Lace, Lizzy and Annie. They started in a clear plastic bin, and more recently moved into a horse watering tank. The coop is ready, but we wanted them to be a bit bigger before staying out there. The run is in progress.


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