First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016


Hi! First time chicken mom! We got six 4 day old chicks on Saturday. Mammals I know, chickens...? That's why I have you all! :) My human daughter (7) is in LOVE! This is Big Wing (left) and Peter (right). We have 2 gold sex link, two Bantams and two Black (whispers- something- I'll go look).

Already learning a ton from the site. :)
OK - weird question: One of my 2-week-old chicks has started clucking loudly when she poops. She squats down, spreads her wings, clucks for a few seconds and the poo hangs on a little before it falls - almost like it's a strain to go. I've checked and she's not pasted up. She is eating and drinking normally and the poo looks fine. Should I be worried?
We are not completly new to the world of broody hens, as about two or three years ago we had a hen hatch us some eggs, but sadly enough, on week three of life they got got (lol). And about a year later, the poor little one legged chicken that was their mother got got as well (lol, got got... haha)
But this year we have our first broody hen from our new flock, just at one year old :)
So we have her on sixteen eggs, and we'll hopefully get some chickies! I think we're on day eight,
We'll see how it goes!
First time chicken mama here. We got 8 straight run buff orpingtons from tractor supply about 2 weeks ago. One didn't make it, but the other 7 are happy and healthy. They're such sweet little things, and so full of personality. Hopefully at least a couple of them end up being girls haha.
We're giving them fermented feed, and they go absolutely bonkers over it, which is nice since they were spilling their dry feed everywhere and wasting a bunch of it.







First time chicken mama here. We got 8 straight run buff orpingtons from tractor supply about 2 weeks ago. One didn't make it, but the other 7 are happy and healthy. They're such sweet little things, and so full of personality. Hopefully at least a couple of them end up being girls haha.
We're giving them fermented feed, and they go absolutely bonkers over it, which is nice since they were spilling their dry feed everywhere and wasting a bunch of it.








Love their little zip ties! Names?
No names yet. We want to know who's male and who's female first, so we know who we're keeping. For now, they're just being called by color (though the red one has affectionately been dubbed "fastest comb in the west").
No names yet. We want to know who's male and who's female first, so we know who we're keeping. For now, they're just being called by color (though the red one has affectionately been dubbed "fastest comb in the west").

You can ask over in the breed/gender forum, but "red" is looking a bit roo-ish to me...Wyatt Orp?
Do those of you who use the zip ties find them hard to put on? Im afraid to hurt them. Im afraif when it comes time to take them off as well

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