First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

Any reason why the chicks aren't together now? There isn't that much of an age difference and I often have chicks 2 weeks apart in the same brooder very successfully. Would kinda ease the workload on you a bit....
Joining in!

I got my first two chicks about a week ago. I know one is a white leghorn while the other is unknown. (wasn't paying attention because I was consumed with the cuteness!)

Once I'm able to post pictures I will. :) First time mommy and I got them to hunt the scorpions and lay me some delicious eggs!
The girls went outside for about an hour for the first time today in their playpen/tractor! It was high 40s and breezy, so not too long. This week should get warmer.
Any reason why the chicks aren't together now?  There isn't that much of an age difference and I often have chicks 2 weeks apart in the same brooder very successfully.  Would kinda ease the workload on you a bit....

Sorry I guess i should have phrased that differently! The little ones are all together right now, I meant that I am excited to see them all together as a flock when all of their plumage and stuff comes in :)
Any reason why the chicks aren't together now?  There isn't that much of an age difference and I often have chicks 2 weeks apart in the same brooder very successfully.  Would kinda ease the workload on you a bit....

How did you do this? I added four 2 week barred rocks with four 3 week EE and the bigger ones are really picking on the littles and the br just huddle together and never venture about. I had to seperate them
Sorry I guess i should have phrased that differently! The little ones are all together right now, I meant that I am excited to see them all together as a flock when all of their plumage and stuff comes in
Ah, I see. I just misunderstood!
Silly Blooie!
How did you do this? I added four 2 week barred rocks with four 3 week EE and the bigger ones are really picking on the littles and the br just huddle together and never venture about. I had to seperate them
Mine were one week and two weeks when the new ones went in. I didn't have any issues at all. Guess it depends on the individuals in the flock. I use Mama Heating Pad, so when they were all asleep I just tucked the new ones under the cave with the older ones.

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