First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

I can't answer that.  Each situation is so different, and each batch of chicks is also different.  Some will get it right away and run up and down like they were born to it.  Some will get it one way but not be able (or willing) to even try to reverse directions.  And some need to be helped up and down first time, every time until they figure it out. Part of the answer depends too on how steep the ramp is and how well cleated it is....if the cleats in the ramp are spaced too far apart that can cause issues.  Some folks put a small nightlight in the coop so that towards evening they'll head for the light.  You'll just have to try it to know how they'll react.

What a great idea! I never thought of a night light, or maybe even one of those small solar lights that come on the same time each night and recharge during the day! I think I will try that. :)
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I put solar lights around our chicken coop. It looks really cute and I've read that the chickens like to eat the bugs hat they may attract
The coolest thing happened with my young ladies! Well, in my opinion anyway.
At 6 wks old, they've gotten pretty cramped in their brooder (rain is prohibiting coop building so we're behind). I have a small area full of cranky, smelly chickens so on a whim, I tossed in a long sprig of rosemary. This morning, they're calm and quiet!! Also, the smell of rosemary overpowered the poo stink. I'm a happy chicken mommy today!!
We have 5 Silkies & 1 Barred Rock. They're about 4-5 weeks old. I've spent lots of time with them since we got them (just 1 or 2 days old) I make a clicking/clucking sound every time I feed them & talk to them. I also give them plain yogurt & chopped, hard-boiled eggs, which they go crazy for. I put my hand up to them with feed or egg on it, & the BR & 2 of the Silkies will eat out of my hand. The BR is actually the tamest. I pick them up gently, without grabbing. They aren't crazy about it, but are getting better. Just moving along slowly & they do recognize me. It's cute! It's been so fun watching them grow & change!

My brown one Louise is not as skiddish anymore. Now my white leghorn Thelma runs like a crazy woman when I try to grab her. Oh well ha
Okay you guys ready for picture overload!!??

First my favorite. Sicilian Buttercup 1/1

Buff Laced Polish 1/1

Easter Eggers (all 4 are different shades of chipmunk!!)


True Blue Whiting (confirmed feather sexed girls yay)
My second favorite chick is #4.


Golden Laced Polish


Coockoo Marans 1/5 (ordered 4)

Black Austrolorp 1/4 (order 1 R 2 H got 2 R 2H)

Ancona 1/6

Mottled Houdan 1/3 (They replaced my white crested polish with these guys and I wasn't too thrilled but at least they refunded my money for them since I had said no substitutions except with other chickens from my order. Will probably sell these gals)

All chicks doing well. Only 4/30 have minor pastey butt but no new stickies from what I can tell!! Happy new mommy here!

I want a houdan so bad!! I love their crazy Mohawks so much
We are officially set to become first-time chicken parents! 15 standard cochin pullets are on their way to us the week of May 16. The only slight problem is that DH excitedly clicked the "Yes" box on the hatchery's "Send me a free chick" scheme before I could explain that it's definitely going to be some random rooster. He couldn't resist FREE!, I suppose. And he's a vegetarian, so I don't see the roo ending up in the freezer either. Oh well! The joys of being a beginner!
Our four weeks olds have had field trips outside daily this week. They spent a few hours in a puppy play pen, then the last two days they were in their coop. Hubby got the washed concrete sand today, but it was damp from an earlier light rain. We spread only a thin layer so it'll dry. I'll rake daily to encourage drying. I was bummed about that. It's in a big, well ventilated barn, so it should be fine. We can open a back door (the one that will go to the run) to let a breeze in.

Anyway--hubby also built their little roost. Yesterday they only ventured to the bottom row, but look where I found them tonight. :)
Yesterday when I went back out, I had the first brooder bin laying sideways and four out of six scooted right into it. It was easy to slowly move the top on so the rest went right in. I didn't think it'd be that easy again, but tonight I rested the brooder on the bottom roost, sprinkled chicken treats in, and five hopped right in the brooder. I picked the 6th one up and put her in. Easy!

I'm a bit worried the barred rock is a roo. It is bigger--but it could be a few days older. It's comb seems bigger--and don't know if this is a way to tell--but it's squawks are deeper.

Anyway--here are some pics. First are in the puppy pen... then coop.


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