First time duck owner looking for any info


7 Years
Jun 3, 2012
I just recently purchased a pekin duck. He is a week old. I only had him for less than 24 hours now and he is very attatched to me. He follows me everywhere and when i leave him he has separation anxiety issues.... All he does is peep and it breaks my heart to hear him cry but i know he has to get use to being alone when I cannot be with him... The only time he is quiet is when he can sit with me.How can I help him cope? I never owned a duck before so any information as to how to raise him would be great. I already know about the heat lamp and that he loves water. How long do I have to wait before he can have treats? I am open to any advice and info.
Hello and

I think your little duck needs a friend. Why don't you get another duckling to keep him company?
Check out the Duck section on the forum for tips on what to feed, treats and any other duck related things. Lots of duck owners here to talk to. Enjoy the site!
thank you for your info :) I would get another duckling but my husband will only let me have one... i have some stuff toy ducks and some rubber duckies... he is curled up with the stuffed duck it seems to soothe him a bit :)
He is actually calming down quite a bit now.. I keep letting him out of the cage to sit with me he only goes in his cage when i have to leave to go somewhere... thanks for the tips I will try to convince my husband to allow me to have another duckling to keep him company :)

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