First Time Egg Candler Scared!

I am soo stupid!! I read you should put shelving liner in bottom of bator but thought the chicks would be fine without it. Now Ted has curled toes and will probably die from weakness. Ugg, why
The curled toes have nothing to do with the slippery surface, those are from the long, slow hatch. His bones started to harden up before he was out and about. The tape flip flops will help!

But yes, be sure he has a slip-free surface. He is a baby learning to walk, make it easy for him.
The curled toes have nothing to do with the slippery surface, those are from the long, slow hatch. His bones started to harden up before he was out and about. The tape flip flops will help!

But yes, be sure he has a slip-free surface. He is a baby learning to walk, make it easy for him.
He is now in the brooder and has shelving liner. After he gets his boot off then I am changing it to pine shavings

Perfectly healthy and happy!

Happy and healthy! But what can I do about the fur on back and head that hasnt fluffed?


Ted is alive and doing ok...He still cant really walk, has a boot on, but seems to be drinking. Has fluffed and is very cute.

Can you guys help me with any information on how to help ted and mic?

Perfectly healthy and happy!

Happy and healthy! But what can I do about the fur on back and head that hasnt fluffed?


Ted is alive and doing ok...He still cant really walk, has a boot on, but seems to be drinking. Has fluffed and is very cute.

Can you guys help me with any information on how to help ted and mic?
Man those things are cute. I keep telling myself I won't get another chicken for a while but....

Just give it time and it will fluff up. It's totally natural and just fine. You can rub a little water on it if you want, but I would just leave it.

It is day 25 should I stop incubation tonight? Candled yesterday and saw full grown chicks but no internal or external pip
One of the more experienced folks will chime in, but yes. It's probably time to stop the incubator after you water candle the remaining eggs.
They sure are cute! It's worth the struggle when you get to see the results.

Don't worry about the fuzz or sponge some warm water on...either is fine. It won't affect the feathers growing in.

Let Ted work with his flip flop(s) and just be sure he can belly up to the water and food. I usually keep a second feeder on the floor for the first day or two, just a small jar lid with a little food in it.

You've done great with this very challenging first hatch!

And yes, shut off the incubator tonight. As the eggs are cooling, if you hear no noises and see no movement, just bag them up and put them out in the trash, or bury them if you like, at least a foot down.
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They sure are cute! It's worth the struggle when you get to see the results.

Don't worry about the fuzz or sponge some warm water on...either is fine. It won't affect the feathers growing in.

Let Ted work with his flip flop(s) and just be sure he can belly up to the water and food. I usually keep a second feeder on the floor for the first day or two, just a small jar lid with a little food in it.

You've done great with this very challenging first hatch!

And yes, shut off the incubator tonight. As the eggs are cooling, if you hear no noises and see no movement, just bag them up and put them out in the trash, or bury them if you like, at least a foot down.
How can you ffed them by mouth? I havent seen him eat
I had a chick from my first hatch last year with splayed legs and curled toes. Kept it on a small box in the brooder with higher water and food so that it didn't have to bend down to get at it. 48hrs later it was in with the others plasters removed!! One year on she's doing fab. I called her Penny (lucky Penny) and she really was lucky. Never had a problem since.

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