I didn't do one this year, got in on it too late to really do it. I did get notification from Filaree Farms though that they ARE shipping me my garlic for this upcoming season. Now that I learned from my past mistakes, hopefully I can keep this bunch alive long enough to harvest it!

By now everyone should have gotten their garlic harvested. Up here we are about to where next year's needs to be planted. How did your gardens grown Garlic this summer? Great harvest here.
I got a very nice harvest. Only 5 of the bulbs had 5 cloves; the rest had 4. But the cloves are HUGE!

I saved all the fivers, as I called them, separately, to mark where I plant them. I want to see if I can encourage more 5 clove bulbs to form next year. I would rather have some smaller cloves, and more of them. Some of my onions didn't get as big as some of the garlic cloves!

I'll be planting mid to late October. I wait until I have a good amount of leaves to cover the bed for mulch and to keep them from heaving in the spring.
Im in North Florida and am probably going to get my bulbs in around first week of November, that should get them with plenty of time to get set up for a december frost, even then our frosts generally are not that bad.. I got two totes full of good compost / soil stewing now getting ready to plant them in. lets hope that I get good results this year.

Some typed of garlic, like many of the hard necks, set fewer very large cloves. If you want smaller ones, plant the softneck type they have at the grocery store. Make sure they are not from China! The most common type is Artichoke garlic.
China garlic has the roots cut off. Domestic still has the roots.

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