First time hatching and Murphy's Law seems to be in full effect

Ugh. Not a good day for me. I lost the third and the first chick. I have medication in the water now and the feed is medicated. I did get another BCM chick this morning, but the second one didn't make it out of the shell. The yolk is leaking out of it and he isn't moving. Plus, when I went outside to chore and a Nigerian Dwarf kid I had bought was dead.
Sorry to hear this as well.
This is most commonly seen with high humidity during the first 17 days when the air cell doesn't grow enough. He had pipped center shell so if the humidity was higher and the air cell wasn't big enough and didn't draw down there far enough then it would certainly explain the circumstances.  I'm sorry to hear he didn't make it. Don't give up.  Whenever you have a situation like this go with your gut on wether to help or not. Sometimes we will make mistakes and pick the wrong thing to do, and anyone that says they've never made a mistake on a judgement call is full of you know what. Even if it's just making the pip hole a bit bigger until you can get an answer from someone whos on. Don't let anyone make you feel guilty about the decision you make, because at some point we all have to make a judgement call.

Thank you, Amy for your kind and encouraging words. They do help.
Ugh. Not a good day for me. I lost the third and the first chick. I have medication in the water now and the feed is medicated. I did get another BCM chick this morning, but the second one didn't make it out of the shell. The yolk is leaking out of it and he isn't moving. Plus, when I went outside to chore and a Nigerian Dwarf kid I had bought  was dead. 

I am sorry to hear about your losses. Looks like a run of bad luck for the both of us! :(
There's an egg pipped beside the chick too!!

There's 3 more eggs that have pips, but it's almost been 24 hours for two of them, so I'm getting a little worried. This guy went fast! About an hour from pip to hatch. I'm not sure what's going on with the other ones, but I'm not wanting to even attempt any kind of assisted hatch after that first one
There's 3 more eggs that have pips, but it's almost been 24 hours for two of them, so I'm getting a little worried. This guy went fast! About an hour from pip to hatch. I'm not sure what's going on with the other ones, but I'm not wanting to even attempt any kind of assisted hatch after that first one
Is the shell popped off at the pip where you can see the beak and have you played the chick music at all?
Is the shell popped off at the pip where you can see the beak and have you played the chick music at all?
Only one can I see membrane, no beak and the others just little cracks. I've played the music a bunch of times, and sometimes they'll rock a little, but that's it.
Only one can I see membrane, no beak and the others just little cracks. I've played the music a bunch of times, and sometimes they'll rock a little, but that's it.
You should stay in your comfort level and if that's letting them be, then that's what you should do. I don't let mine go over 24 hours w/o at least widening the pip hole and checking position to make sure they aren't positioned where they can't finish. My second hatch I had a malepositioned chick. When I widend the pip hole around 18 hours in I was met with little toes waving at me from atop the I knew then she wasn't getting out w/o help. She's almost a year old now and one of my best layers.

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