First time hatching and Murphy's Law seems to be in full effect

They are so friendly! My kids were fighting over who got to interact with them first in order to "imprint" on them. They are fearless of our hands compared to the feed store chicks I've bought. I really think it's because we cooed at them every day during incubation and our smooshed, grinning faces were the first things they saw. They probably think we are a bunch of big ugly chickens!
I had a rough week, and my youngest (and last) child started school for the first time, so I NEEDED some baby things to cheer me up! Lol
Hi N and Amy, I have been crazy this last week. Lost 2 goats in 2 days. Been to town all but one day doing what farmers and wives do. Plus, it is so stinking hot and humid in this part of Oklahoma I feel like a tropical reptile of some sort! ***** session over, LOL!
I am feeling better about my first attempt at hatching. Most of the eggs I thought I cooked were not developing. A few were rotten but nothing that looked like a chick parts. Hence, I need a rooster for that pen so... I was able to visit a breeder in my area and picked up 2 three week old Americana chicks. While I was there I made a deal with the breeder to trade a pair of unwanted Buff Orpington for 6 hatching eggs from her trio of Creole Penedesenca.
Of course I will Have to start another hatch if the hens cooperate!
I think I have a hen in my main pen sitting on a clutch of eggs too. Those will be barnyard mix and will be tended and incorporated into the flock without my help! And, I picked up a brand new rabbit hutch for $80 that will be perfect for a brooder.
Hi N and Amy, I have been crazy this last week. Lost 2 goats in 2 days. Been to town all but one day doing what farmers and wives do. Plus, it is so stinking hot and humid in this part of Oklahoma I feel like a tropical reptile of some sort! ***** session over, LOL!
I am feeling better about my first attempt at hatching. Most of the eggs I thought I cooked were not developing. A few were rotten but nothing that looked like a chick parts. Hence, I need a rooster for that pen so... I was able to visit a breeder in my area and picked up 2 three week old Americana chicks. While I was there I made a deal with the breeder to trade a pair of unwanted Buff Orpington for 6 hatching eggs from her trio of Creole Penedesenca.
Of course I will Have to start another hatch if the hens cooperate!
I think I have a hen in my main pen sitting on a clutch of eggs too. Those will be barnyard mix and will be tended and incorporated into the flock without my help! And, I picked up a brand new rabbit hutch for $80 that will be perfect for a brooder.
Hi N and Amy, I have been crazy this last week. Lost 2 goats in 2 days. Been to town all but one day doing what farmers and wives do. Plus, it is so stinking hot and humid in this part of Oklahoma I feel like a tropical reptile of some sort!  ***** session over, LOL! 
I am feeling better about my first attempt at hatching. Most of the eggs I thought I cooked were not developing. A few were rotten but nothing that looked like a chick parts. Hence, I need a rooster for that pen so...  I was able to visit a breeder in my area and picked up 2 three week old Americana chicks.  While I was there I made a deal with the breeder to trade a pair of unwanted Buff Orpington for 6 hatching eggs from her trio of Creole [COLOR=222222]Penedesenca. [/COLOR];)    Of course I will Have to start another hatch if the hens cooperate!  
I think I have a hen in my main pen sitting on a clutch of eggs too. Those will be barnyard mix and will be tended and incorporated into the flock without my help!  And, I picked up a brand new rabbit hutch for $80 that will be perfect for a brooder. :cd

So sorry about your goats! The SECOND batch of Seramas all quit on me. So... I ended up with 15 MORE from a LOCAL source today... No more shipped eggs until I get better at incubating! And one of my Silkies has developed spraddle legs (I think). We made him a little chair and some cool shoes, but he is not happy about it and peeps All. Day. Long. We are giving him extra vitamins just incase it's a deficiency, but it doesn't seem to be working. Anyway, we were looking at small hutches today as well, but couldn't find anything. Which one did you get? You'll have to let me know if you like it. We need a small one to keep the little ones inside during bad weather, so it doesn't need to be uber predator proof, just something to keep them out of trouble.
Thank you! We have the vet wrap, but none of what we've done looks as nice as those! Lol Their little feet are so hard to maneuver, especially when they're so wiggly!
Well, we tried making splints out of band aids, vet-wrap, pipe cleaners, everything and she just face plants and cries. We are feeding her scrambled egg with yogurt and sav-a-chick via syringe every couple of hours, but she is not getting better at all. We don't really know what to do at this point. Everything says this is fixable, but nothing seems to be helping. She's fighting mad and making a lot of noise, but just laying in the shavings, face down. What do we do?
Well, we tried making splints out of band aids, vet-wrap, pipe cleaners, everything and she just face plants and cries. We are feeding her scrambled egg with yogurt and sav-a-chick via syringe every couple of hours, but she is not getting better at all. We don't really know what to do at this point. Everything says this is fixable, but nothing seems to be helping. She's fighting mad and making a lot of noise, but just laying in the shavings, face down. What do we do?
If you've tried all the suggestions, I'm at a loss. You might want to consider posting in the emergies/diseases/injuries/cures forum to see if maybe one of the long time hatchers has more suggestions.

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