First time hatching concern


In the Brooder
May 31, 2020
I just completed my first round of hatching chicks, I started with with 6 and only 2 were born. They all were fertilized. We opened a couple we k ow were dead. 1 never made it very far in developing and 1 made it full term but died. I dont k ow what possibly could have happened??
Temp was at 100° and tried my very best to keep humidity to level.
Also, when we took the eggs out of turner and put them on the crate does that mess up there position to hatch? Should I keep them in the turner untill they pip?
We've only done it once, so we aren't experts...but it's tricky, 'cause there's a lot of info out there you need to sort through. However - aren't supposed to turn them once they go into 'lockdown', which is at day 18. I'm not sure what you mean by "put them on the crate" though. Also, welcome to the group!!
Day 18 we turned the Turner off and took that out and put eggs on the crate at the bottom of the incubator.
Are u suppose to keep them in the Turner till they pip?
It sounds like you did everything correctly...sometimes things just happen - I know that's a sucky answer, but with animals, that's about it. If your temperature was held at 99 or 100, and your humidity was ok (and that's a moving target, believe me) then they should have hatched if fertile. With me, the struggle was humidity, and mine was all over the place...the only time I was able to keep it stable was during lockdown, when I pushed it up to 75% because I didn't want the membrane to dry out and "shrink wrap" the chick. There are some really good articles in the forum on hatching chicks. You might just browse through them and gather in the wisdom of folks who've done this many, many times. I know what *we* did, but since *we* only did it once, it's not like I can parade our extreme knowledge about...all I can do is tell you what we did and how it turned out. Have any others hatched, or do you just have one viable chick now?

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