First time hatching eggs- day 21


In the Brooder
May 21, 2024
Hey everyone, I read through the forums on here and I think I know what I should have done/should do but wanted to ask your opinions.

I have a farm innovator incubator. I do have 2 other thermometers hygrometers in there because I heard they weren’t accurate and they aren’t!

Out of 27 fertile eggs I had 17 that were growing well at day 10. I candled again on day 18 and had about 6 that I was confident had a growing chick and a couple more that were questionable that I left in at lockdown.

On evening of day 19 I had several eggs wiggling and one peeling although I couldn’t tell which egg was making noise.

Last night (day 20) I could still hear peeping but no external pips.
This morning (day 21) there have been no peeps, no wiggles and no external pips.

I’ll leave the incubator closed. I realize now maybe I should have helped the peeping chick by poking an air hole for it, but I didn’t know what egg it was without canceling them all and I didn’t want to loose humidity. My incubator is hard to get temp to stay consistent so I don’t like to open more than needed.

At this point I’m guessing I should just wait until 23 days or so , maintaining heat and humidity and then candle before discarding.

My temps in the incubator the first 18 days ranged from 98 for a couple of hours to 102 for a couple of hours and everywhere in between. I had to watch it like a hawk.
Humidity was around 35-50% first 18 days

At lockdown the temps been right at 99-101 with a humidity of 60-70%

I guess my question is, any hope any are alive? I’m assuming best thing is to just be patient and hope they make it. Thanks! I’m super bummed lol
Still nada. Haven’t heard a peep since last night and haven’t seen the eggs wobble. I have to keep a close eye on the humidity in my incubator. But it’s been right at 66-72 all day.
Day 22…. I candled and saw no movement. I think they are goners but I put them back and quickly got temp and humidity back up so we will see. I’ll leave them be for another couple of days before I candle one last time and then see what went wrong.

I did find a couple quitters from when I moved them into lock down. The chicks looked good (other than being dead 🥺) and the membrane wasn’t dried out so idk what in the world went wrong! 😞
Any action yet? I was hoping these were just slower as usually if they make it that far, they make it! I rarely see movement when they get to day 18 or so too. But they hatch!
Nothing yet…. Still have my fingers crossed! 🤞🏼 but I’m not hopefully honestly. 😕
I’ll give them a few more days and maintain heat/humidity just incase!
No movement when I candled makes me doubtful. But maybe 🤷🏼‍♀️
Can I ask what thermometer/hygrometer you all recommend as a back up in the incubator?!? I’ve seen people suggest Govee…. I think I’ll try another batch regardless of how this one turns out, but I don’t trust the cheap thermometer/hygrometers I have in now.
Any action yet? I was hoping these were just slower as usually if they make it that far, they make it! I rarely see movement when they get to day 18 or so too. But they hatch!
And also that’s good to know about day 18 and not much movement after! Is it because the chicks are too big to really move much?
The main thing that has me worried is on day 19 I could hear one peeping and see 4 or so eggs wiggling and night of day 20 could hear peeps but no eggs moving, then on day 21 nada. I thought I would wake up to a chick or two! Now I wish I would have helped whichever one was peeping 😬😞 but I figured let nature run its course and it would be piping externally soon enough. Ugh
Morning of day 23… nothing yet. When I candled yesterday I could see any movement, but these are dark speckled eggs (well summer and maran) so it’s really hard to see in there. The air cell looks really good and I couldn’t see that any had internally pipped (although one did because I heard it peeping on day 19/20)
I have not tried the glass of warm water and seeing if they move that way. I have tried not to open the incubator anymore than I have to…

I had one chick that wasn’t developing past when I locked them down so I took that one out and looked… it had an egg tooth, had an umbilical chord still but not much yolk left. The membrane looked good not detached or dry at all.

My temp didn’t spike, so I’m not really sure. My temp did run on the lower side over night a few times… so maybe they are late (I have my doubts) but I’ll keep being patient…

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