First Time Hatching!


11 Years
Apr 27, 2008
On my Computer
I'm really nervous because I just put my eggs in my first incubator for the first ever this morning. So are there any words of wisdom that you can share with me to make sure the result is the best?
Just have patience! No handling the eggs other than turning or candling unnecessarily. A thermometer/hygrometer to read your temps and humidity. Nice small mag. flashlight to candle with!! Best of all have fun!
No, and I would not candle on day 3, if your new to candling day 7 or 10 to really be able to see the veining and embryo. I never candle before day 7 or 10 and I hatch chicks all the time. The first week is the most critical for developement in eggs and they should be left alone.
MaranDude, it takes time and will learn a lot from experience....Mother Nature does it best and the best we can do is to try to simulate her as closely as possible....You can do a lot of learning online...there are websites that show you the day to day development and even candling shots...Whenever I wonder if I am doing the right thing, I think about the mother hen and what she would do....She's not shaking the eggs but she's not all that gentle when she turns them...her temp and humidity can't always be exactly there are some variables....The hardest part is waiting after they've pipped....they really do take a long time to get all the way that point, it's all Mother Nature....let her do her thing....

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