First time hatching


11 Years
Mar 17, 2008
Swansea, SC
I just had my first egg hatch in incubator. When do I take out of incubator and introduce to water? Any help is good help.


what do you mean by "introduce to water"? What kind of eggs are they? duck eggs?
They are Cochin- Chicken eggs. Can I take them out as soon as they hatch and give them water or do I have to wait a specific time?
People recommend you leave it in the bator until dried or 24 hrs. Then put it in the brooder with food and water. It will start to eat. I think the yolk sustains them for a couple days after hatching. I've only hatched one batch so far so I'm no expert but this is what I was told.

If you have other eggs in the bator DO NOT OPEN the bator!!! Opening it could have dire consequences for the other hatching chicks. Your chicks yolk will sustain it for 48 hours in the bator or your other eggs hatch out, whichever comes first. I'm on my first hatch so definitely no expert but I've been reading this forum avidly and learning everything I can!

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