first time having chickens need advice


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 17, 2014
I have an old water tank it is 6 foot tall by 8 foot in diameter it has four windows and one doorway cut out already.Is this okay for a chicken coop I am also going to attach a swingset frame chicken run to the water tank it is 6 foot tall by 6 foot wide by 12 foot long. this whole setup will be inside of an old Ostrich pen thats about an acre big with high fencing. I was going to raise them confined inside the coop and the run and then eventually leave the rent open it so that they can access the ostrich you think this is a good setup. I also can't decide between Plymouth Rock chickens, buff orpingtons, newhampshires, and speckled Sussex . I want chickens that are friendly and hardy. I don't want any more than 10 hens. also how many 40 pound bags of feed will 10 hens consume in a month. this is my first time ever raising chickens please help. thanks
I have used various things over the years, sounds actually cool and would make a great pic. Just make sure you disinfect it prior. As for feed, I average two sacks per month, depending upon run time. For chickens, all those are good and great layers. Good luck.
Can you show us any pics??? You will find a wealth of information here at BYC. Be sure to check out all the forum boards that apply to your questions. Good luck to you!
Okay I bought 6 chicks. 3 buff orpingtons snd 3 barred rock. My question is do I leave the heat lamp on them in their coop during the day when its 55 to 60 degrees outside
Right now I have them in a large blue tote that I cut the lid out in the middle and attached chicken wire. They have the feeder and waterer in there and a layer of pine bedding and I have a red heat lamp 2 ft above them on one side of the tote so that they can go under it if cold or away from it if hot. They are starting to fly around a little bit. I have the blue tote inside the water tank coop and will let them out in the coop tomorrow prob
I keep the lamp on all night just didn't know about during the day if I should

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