First time incubating


In the Brooder
Dec 20, 2020
First time incubating eggs, its day 24 and 1 egg was moving on day 21 but stopped moving and now looks like the air pocket is 1/3 of the egg and no movement, any suggestions?
How many eggs did you have in there? Can you give us more info on the steps you took humitidy levels, temp, turning, etc.

My guess right off the bat without extra info is your humidity may have been too low making the shells too hard for the chicks to get out.
How many eggs did you have in there? Can you give us more info on the steps you took humitidy levels, temp, turning, etc.

My guess right off the bat without extra info is your humidity may have been too low making the shells too hard for the chicks to get out.
First time incubating eggs, its day 24 and 1 egg was moving on day 21 but stopped moving and now looks like the air pocket is 1/3 of the egg and no movement, any suggestions?
I have 5 eggs at the same age (24 days), 2 of them I can see the embryo moving when I candle them (air sacs look the same), 1 egg looks like it quit developing a few days ago and no movement, 1 air sac looks okay but no movement, and 1 with a big air sac and no movement, I got the temp at 100F, and humidity at 70
I have 5 eggs at the same age (24 days), <snip> I got the temp at 100F, and humidity at 70
waiting is all you can (should) do. Even if your thermometer is accurate, the type and layout of your incubator can make a big difference. You may want to adjust the temp 1F or 2F up next hatch (while using the same thermometer measuring at the same spot).

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