First time momma intro

Thank you for the insight. I have them on hydro hen 3-1 and natures best organic chick starter. Open to any other wisdom! Also, what’s your recommendation for holding them- I don’t want to stress them out but I’d like to have them become familiar with me.

They're a bit young for treats, but I know it's hard to resist :D If you're gonna give them anyhow, then please offer a bit of sand/grit. I put a tub of sand in with my chicks so that when they start to shed their down, they can dust bathe in it. Also, offer some of their regular chick feed mixed with a heaping tablespoon of plain yogurt to get their gut-bacteria up for the task of digesting 'real' food, one or two times with the yogurt should be enough to jump start their digestive tract to handle the task, the consistency can be anywhere from crumbles to soup. Treats should never be over 10% of their daily food intake, fat adult chickens tend to have severe medical issues, everything from breaking legs, inability to properly lay eggs (can be fatal), fatty liver disease, etc. Enjoy your babies!
The bathroom has heated floors so I took them in there for a little play time and brought their lamp/food etc with. And yes a sink will go there one day soon- they live in a large storage bin for now by the heater- suggestions on locations for their indoor brooder? We are in Maine.
Do you have a garage? If the brooder is kept up on a table and is in a draft free area, you could brood them in there. Keep a cover over the top of the storage bin to keep them from flying out. I used a piece of screen and clipped it the edges of the brooder with binder clips.
We don't at this time. We have a little cabin out back but its too drafty. When I took them out and let them roam in the bathroom they started exploring their wings and they got some air time but more of a horizontal flight that resembled a long jump. I have a feeling they are different ages ( some 2-3weeks) judging by their wing development and a few other observations. The smaller ones ( banthems? Is it true that term refers to size and not breed?) are actually older. They had been there a week and I took the runts of the runts to make sure they had a home. Learned about pastybutt instantly with the smallest, and glad she's still with us. Would a baby gate work for a top cover or are the holes too big and be a concern for injury? I appreciate you taking the time to share your wisdom!
Welcome! Congrats on your babies :jumpy I always kept the brooder in a spare room but prepare for lots of dust!!! I had a large tarp on the floor an draped over a couple of pieces of furniture but a deep cleaning was needed as soon as the fluff balls were moved to the coop. Baby gate may work, worth a try. Chicken wire is inexpensive, can be cut to size and will keep the babies in. (That’s about all chicken wire is good for.... keeps chickens in but not good to keep predators out). Provide some small chick grit or grit for birds if you feed anything but chick starter.

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