First time processing

I was thinking of raising jersey giants for meat instead of cornish for that reason. Plus id like to keep breeding so I only have to buy once. Right now we just have barred rocks. We eat the roos though
I guess they might get filthy if they are cornish x that are unable to move much and sit around in their poop all day, especially close to processing age when they've gotten large and immobile. That's why I don't mess with those mutants, they're gross.

I'm curious, why do y'all remove the lungs? I'd never heard of removing the lungs until I joined BYC (I've been around chickens for most of my life and started helping process them when I was just a kid). There's nothing wrong with them staying on the rib cage. Less work, too. After taking the legs and wings off, I toss the carcass in the pot for soup and the lungs are just part of the deal. It has never occurred to me to try and scrape them off.

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