First time with a dead bird


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 12, 2014
First timer here.

Sad morning as one of our little girls was dead in the coop. I thought it was strange that she was by the coop door all by herself. The rooster and flock were all staring at her.

The worse part is no apparent reason for this. No obvious trauma or signs of outward disease.

I hadn't planned on getting attached to them but that didn't work. Now I have to dispose of the body without my 4 year old seeing me do it.
So sorry for your loss! It's hard to lose any bird.

Be sure to watch the other chickens for any sign of illness, and keep an eye out for predator tracks or other evidence.
thanks for the advice. Gonna see how they are doing once I get home from work.

I am gonna start spending way more quality time with the girls.

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