Our BO seems to be ready for motherhood. She's made herself a nest in the rubbermaid boxes we made into nest boxes. So A+ to her for doing like we wanted. She is only on one egg right now, but she seems to be doing just like she should. She was MIA til the hubby went out to feed the chickies. She came out, ate, and went right back to her nest. So she seems to know what she's doing so far, and wont be starving herself. My question is, see, this is our first time with a broody, and I was thinking we should move her, box and all, to our large dog pen/crate thing to make sure her chicks will be safe after they hatch. My husband is insisting they will be fine since chickens run in flocks in the "wild". So there should be no problem with the others killing them once they hatch. I plan on giving her tomorrows eggs since she tried to go broody before but, it didn't stick so I'm waiting another day to make sure. Should we move her? The nest boxes are on the floor of the chicken house and the chicken house it only about three inches off the ground with a small ramp. So I'm not worried about them falling. Just worried about what the other chickens will do. Any advice on how to care for her is welcomed.