First Timer Here


In the Brooder
Feb 6, 2024

First time getting chicks here. We ordered 22 to be here this week and I have nothing ready.

We ordered barred rocks, Buff orpingtons, black laced wyandotte, biefelders, & Rhode Island Reds. We wanted them for eggs but figured it may not be bad to have some for meat if we needed it. We ordered 2 roosters with them; one buff & one barred rock.

We live rurally around a lot of woods. We also have 2 dogs that I am nervous about with the chickens since we plan to do free range with no run. We have a 5 year old German shepherd (found as a stray) & a 14 year old chocolate lab that was trained some (and probably was bred for...) bird hunting. The lab was purchased off craigslist as a dumped dog but from her behaviors at a young age I suspect she was bred as a bird dog. The shepherd is very sweet but being a high prey breed I am worried.

We were attracted to chickens for self sufficiency & egg quality. We also have plans of bee keeping if the chickens go well .

First time getting chicks here. We ordered 22 to be here this week and I have nothing ready.
Welcome to BYC!! :frow

You need a "brooder" for them with a heat source on one side of it, and a thermometer as they will need to be at around 90-95F when you first put them in there. It decreases by 5 degrees each week give or take. The brooder needs to be large enough so that they can get away from the heat. I'd head over to the Learning Center and skim some articles to help you.

Good luck and have fun!

First time getting chicks here. We ordered 22 to be here this week and I have nothing ready.

We ordered barred rocks, Buff orpingtons, black laced wyandotte, biefelders, & Rhode Island Reds. We wanted them for eggs but figured it may not be bad to have some for meat if we needed it. We ordered 2 roosters with them; one buff & one barred rock.

We live rurally around a lot of woods. We also have 2 dogs that I am nervous about with the chickens since we plan to do free range with no run. We have a 5 year old German shepherd (found as a stray) & a 14 year old chocolate lab that was trained some (and probably was bred for...) bird hunting. The lab was purchased off craigslist as a dumped dog but from her behaviors at a young age I suspect she was bred as a bird dog. The shepherd is very sweet but being a high prey breed I am worried.

We were attracted to chickens for self sufficiency & egg quality. We also have plans of bee keeping if the chickens go well .
Hi!! Welcome to BYC!! :welcome
Hope all goes well with your flock!

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